"I'm sure you do," Raven chuckled as she passed them. "Just...try to keep it in your pants for the remainder of the flight. Okay, tiger?"

Olivia burst out laughing as Peter's face turned bright red. "Whatever, grandma!" He rolled his eyes and turned back to Olivia. "How are you?" He asked.

She sighed and rested her head on the cool metal of the jet. "Tired. I was looking forward to sleeping in. I guess being an X-Man means I have to ready to be called on at all times,"

Peter nodded, resting a hand casually on her thigh. "Well, if you mess up, I got your back," He smiled widely.

Olivia smiled softly. "Thanks, Speedy,"

The flight was relatively short — Buffalo wasn't far from Rochester, after all. "Alright. Olivia, Peter, and Jean, you're with me," Hank explained as they filed off the jet. "That means Raven, Kurt, Ororo, and Scott go together. You will take the front and we'll take the back. Watch each other's back, one of the mutants can turn invisible."

They split off, Olivia leading the group behind Hank. "What are the three other mutations?" She asked as they crept around to the back of the warehouse — it was dark and had started to drizzle.

"Light projection, kinetic energy conversion, and precognition — the ability to see into the future," Hank responded.

Olivia's blood ran cold. If that was the case, there was no way anything they could do would work if one of the mutants was always ten steps ahead of them. She shook off the feeling and continued on. She felt Peter place a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "It's okay, we got this. We're the X-Men." He smiled.

She tried to return the smile, but she wasn't as optimistic as him. The warehouse was eerily silent. The only sounds were of the creaking ceiling lights and the wind from outside. The lights flickered as the power struggled to stay on. "Liv, you think you could do something about that?" Hank pointed to the lights in question.

Olivia smiled and cracked her knuckles. "It would be my pleasure,"  Raising her hands, she felt for the electricity in the air. Once she felt the spark, she was able to push the power into the lights, illuminating the hallway in front of them. "Ta-da!" She clapped.

Hank chuckled quietly. "Great job. Let's keep moving."

They walked shoulder to shoulder, no one took an eye off of each other. A clanging sound in the distance made them freeze. "Jean..." Hank whispered. "Can you sense anyone?"

Jean's eyebrows knitted together as she concentrated. After a few moments, she huffed, frustrated. "No! Something is blocking me,"

"Blocking?" Olivia whispered nervously. "None of them have a telepathic mutation."

Hank shivered. "That we know of,"

A chill sent a shiver down Olivia's spine. She had an odd feeling that they were being lured into a trap. None the less, the team pushed on. Olivia found herself shoulder to shoulder with Jean, gaining comfort from know she was there, that she was safe. 'Are you okay?' Jean's voice echoed in her head.

'Not really,' Olivia internally replied. 'This feels like a trap,'

''My thoughts exactly,' Jean agreed. 'But even if it is, we have to save the hostages,'

ignite, peter maximoff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now