Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route

Start from the beginning

Overhaul cursed. He stashed away one of the guns. To be honest, he didn't have many quirk-destroying bullets. They were still in process of mass production. It is such a lengthy procedure using a live DNA sample to make such products.

"You two, stay in groups with our men." Overhaul ordered Toga and Twice. They both had the idea of sabotaging this to the heroes' advantage. But they kept that to themselves.

Little does Satoko know, the gun Overhaul had didn't have any bullets in it. It was a scare tactic for her to listen.

"You." He motioned for Satoko to come over. "You're coming with me." Satoko didn't answer, so Overhaul roughly grabbed her arm. If anyone were to get the kid to listen, she would be useful as a device to do so. "You will do what I say." He brushed the gun against her throat. Its cold touch gave Satoko goosebumps.

There was no way she could be her mouthy self at this moment.


Tiny feet hit against the hard floor. The girl's heart was pounding so loudly that she was scared Overhaul could hear it.

Overhaul came into view. The young girl froze, her eyes widening in fear. A wave of sheer, dizzying terror washed over her. She knew that he wouldn't be happy with her, and that thought scared her more than anything else.

Satoko came from behind him. Shigaraki didn't want Satoko to go by herself with him. He convinced Overhaul that they should go as a small group.

Apparently, Dabi didn't seem too keen on Overhaul and Shigaraki taking her, so he followed as well.

"Eri, where do you think you're going?" Overhaul asked.

Satoko watched the small child with unkempt and messy hair. There's a brown horn poking out from the right side of her forehead.

(What's a kid doing here?) Satoko felt uneasy about this. Not only that, there was bandages wrapped around both her arms and legs.

Dabi quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together. That girl- Eri- was clearly being used. "Your DNA source for the bullets is a little kid?"

That caused Shigaraki to feel uneasy as well. That small child standing before them was being killed over and over again for the sake of some bullets? He didn't like that. Even though he was a villain too, the thought of putting a kid so young through that was disgusting to him.

Eri whimpered. She took a small step backwards without taking her eyes off of them. "Please...I just wanted to walk around. That's all."

Her eyes moved on from Overhaul to study the others carefully. Shigaraki and Dabi both seemed scary to her. Especially Dabi. Satoko, on the other hand, seemed to practically radiate warmth and safety. Eri wasn't sure what it was about her, but she immediately knew that she could be trusted. The only thing she wasn't sure of was why she was with Overhaul. She could guess that she was threatened or forced into it.

"Tch." Overhaul spat. Dabi was smarter than he actually looks. "You're correct. We need to take her." He was talking to Dabi.

While he was distracted, Satoko had thoughts. She can tell by looking at Eri's eyes, those were eyes of being a victim to abuse. Similar to how Satoko looked at herself in the mirror as she had hard days. Living with her parents. The trauma they've put her through.

Anger and sadness crept up onto her heart. She can empathize with this child. She wants to save her.

Just like how her 'grandpa' had done in the past.

While Overhaul was talking to Dabi, Satoko whispered to Shigaraki, "We need to help her."

"How do you plan to do that?" He whispered back. "He'll kill us. I wouldn't put it past him to kill her again just to get us to stop. We didn't come here to be heroes. I don't want to risk any of our lives to help someone we don't know."

It Started With A Bullet - Dabi x OC (Multiships)Where stories live. Discover now