The Clan

868 22 14

Present Time
Training always started at 8 for me. I looked to Gint, he nodded. "Go!" He yelled, signalling for me to start the course.

The count had started, and I was racing only against myself and the clock. I paced forward, drawing the pistol from my right hip with a satisfying thwip. The first straw target took a shot to the chest and then head, one too many. I pivoted around the right corner, holding the gun close to my chest as I had been taught to do so. The second and third targets were situated somewhere within the first room, they switched all the time. I swung into the room, clearing the first target with a single shot and the second with two. My clear continued as I did the same in room two, three and four until I heard Gint call "Pistol lost!"

I dropped my pistol to simulate a loss in battle, sweeping the fifth room with my visor. The footsteps led to the right which meant the target was holding the hostage either behind the desk or next to the window. I peered in, knowing that the target would be armed. Sure enough, my head was narrowly missed my the droid's pre-programmed aim. Behind the desk. I swung round the corner, using one smooth movement to slide to the table and kick it up, creating the necessary cover I needed to release the hostage and take down the droid. I punched the old clanker in the shoulder, forcing its arm to swing back and release the bag of apples (the usual symbol for a small hostage). Without giving it the time to recover, my knife had slid into the stab wound I had given it a few weeks back, finding the perfect spot once again. With a failed "Roger, rog..e...r" the droid clattered to the floor.

"And timeeeeeeeeee!" Clint called from above. "Not bad L/N, you're consistent. That first droid though was-"

"Sloppy," I said through a few short puffs of air. "I woke up on the wrong side of bed I guess."

"A Mandolorian never wakes up on the wrong side of the bed," he said from above once again. He stood on the wall of the training course, which in itself was one of the open top walls that made up the make-do building floor. There were 7 rooms, each with a few items to create the atmosphere of any needed situation. "Come on, lets see if Jeena has finished with your first item," he said behind the mask. I could tell he was smiling from the sound of his voice, and yet I never knew what his smile looked like. Our small collection of Mandalorians never removed our masks in front of living beings. It had been made clear to me as soon as I arrived that this world was not like Earth in any way. The creations, the people...the aliens? I'm still unsure what to call them really. Everything it was from a movie...Star Trek was the closest I could remember.

"Do you think I made a mistake?" I queried as he joined my side as we approached one of the half dozen wooden huts our small encampment consisted of.

"Many. I mean you can knock a droids arm so that it releases something but a real person would react more quickly."

"I meant with my choice of equipment. You know, the shield," I reminded him. As part of my official recognition to the clan, before my first bounty, I was allowed a special gift. An item made of Beskar, this world's strongest metal. Think Vibrainium, same difference.

"It was an odd request, I'll give you that," Gint said as he opened the door to the forge. "Jeena did say that it was unusual but it wasn't the weirdest thing we'd seen. With the Beskar though, you could've created one hell of a spear."

"Defence before offence," we said in unison. "You take after me Y/N...I can't tell if that's a good thing."

"Y/N, the shield is done," Jeena said placing the hammer she was holding down. Taking a closer look, it appears as if she had been mending another clan members armour - shoulder plate to be exact. "I've made it best as I can to what you wanted...I'm just surprised you didn't want it to be larger."

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