Chlothes in the trash can

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Hey !
Today's wonderful story is about how we got into a fight with the forth graders .
Anyways , our school has a very little changing room ( it's a room where we change our clothes for the PE class ) so we always have a problem with fitting in there .
In that particular day there were suppose to be 3 classes in their together , which is about 50 people .

We had put our school bags on the chairs and some of the girls had their clothes just laying on the chairs .

So we calmly went to hell ( Translation to the PE class ) and when we came back we had a little surprise waiting for us .

The forth graders had put Liisys clothes in to the trash can and had moved some school bags from their original places to completely different places .

Of course some of our class mates were really mad at them and they kind of said some really bad words to the third graders .

But the little forth graders told all of it to the teachers and made it seem like it was our fault .

The teachers were mad , our class was mad , fourth graders were mad and i was just awkwardly sitting there listening to all of the bickering and fighting , wishing i had some popcorn and a video camera , so i could film it .

I mean can you blame me , it wold have been a new internet sensation :
,,Crazy girls fighting about the clothes in the trash can "

Sorry for not writing really often , i kind of took a little break from wattpad .

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