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The fan whirred in the background as Jaemin hung up his wet clothes on the balcony. Although it wasn't a smart thing to do, he had faith in the weather and that it wouldn't fall into the sea below. The boy sucked on his ice pop as he moved around. 

The taste of the blueberry razz spread slid down his throat, cold and delicious. "Hmm, tastes amazing." He breathed out, looking at the small ice pop. "It's a great day for one of these." He continued to look at the treat as the blue ice snaked down his arm. The freezing liquid giving him a feeling of satisfaction. 

His phone started to ring madly, almost jerking on its spot. With this, it concluded his episode with the dripping ice pop as he threw away the stick and cleaned up his arm. Jaemin picked up his phone, later dismissing it from an unknown number. 

"So much for sacrificing my ice pop." He sneered, flopping down onto the bed and sprawling out his body. He continued to sigh over his treat, still very much upset over it. A knock on the door was enough to jerk him up from his mini tantrum. "That scared me." He mumbled, rolling off of the bed and walking to the door.

He peeked through the peep hole to see Jeno with a plastic bag full of treats. The temptation from the scene alone made Jaemin swing open the door. Startled, the boy in front of him jumped in his spot before shyly turning his head. "I came with food." 

Jaemin nodded in return, giving Jeno a warm welcome as he snatched away the bag from his hands. "Let's see what we have here." The boy rummaged through the sea of snacks, finding a wide variety of different lollipops and some cups of ramen. There was another small plastic bag inside with two ice pops, enough to make Jaemin even more happy. "You did a good job."

Jeno hummed in response, a bit embarrassed from the sudden compliment. Jaemin pulls out the two ice pops and hands one over to Jeno. The two unwrap their respective treats before plopping it into their mouths. 

Jaemin pulls out his as soon as he felt the sweetness on his tongue, groaning at how good it was. "Eating an ice pop on a sunny day is truly the best thing ever! Right, Jeno?"

The said boy was facing the other way, trying to cover his face. "Eh? What's wrong?" The blue haired boy nudged him playfully, trying to see his face. "Did your face turn red?" 


"It definitely did! Here, lemme see!" 

The two continued to fight for the next few minutes, with Jaemin trying to pry off Jeno's hands from his face while he was screeching at the top of his lungs. The popsicle stick dropped to the floor as soon as Jaemin pried off his hands. "Uwah, you're face isn't red." The blue haired boy stared at the other. 

Jeno sighed in return, looking down at the floor. "I told you so."

"You're super red!" Jaemin grinned, his smile stretching wide. "Seriously, look at yourself in the mirror. You're face is as red as a chili pepper." Jeno groaned, burying his face deep into the ground. Jaemin giggles in response, trying to pry him off. "Alright, I'll stop teasing you." 

Jeno sighs before sitting up and cleaning the area around him. The blue haired boy watched this all happen in front of him. The way his muscles flexed and his face as he threw away the wrappers was enough to send shivers down Jaemin's spine, but it was a different kind. A kind where the mood felt a bit, how to put this into words, erotic. 

The boy tried his best to look away from the other and think of other things, but everything came back to those arms. The pool? He'll flex them. Buying groceries? His arm'll flex. In bed? Most definitely. He pressed his hands against his face, shielding it as he felt it turn hot. "UWAH WHAT DID I JUST THINK ABOUT!" 

"Think about what?" 


Jaemin peeked through his fingers cautiously, darting his eyes around the room until it landed on Jeno."Did you hear what I just said?" The other boy nodded in return, a bit puzzled from Jaemin's sudden outburst. Jaemin could feel himself shrinking further and further down into the floor, feeling more and more embarrassed. 

If there was a designated time to just curl up in a ball and die, this was the perfect moment for him to do so. The boy feels a poke on his left thigh, peeking through to see a wooden popsicle stick. 

"C'mon." Jeno sighed, still looking at him. "Stop doing that and help me smoothen out the bed." 

"The what." 


aha hello there. i apologize for not having updated in a while, i'm in my summer break as of this moment and i've just felt really tired lately so i apologize sincerely for this late update, i'm really sorry 

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