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"I'll come over there and tell off that stubborn bitch myself!" 

"Renjun chill, I got my bag back anyways." Jaemin sighs, trying to calm down a very aggravated friend of his on the other side of the phone. "And that gentlemen, is why I didn't call you nor answered any calls you made that day." 

Renjun sighs once more before snatching Jisung's phone out of his hand. "Ah hyung! I was just about to win that game!" Jisung yells, grabbing back his phone before sighing and repeating the level again.

Renjun hits him hard on the head. "That's not one way to speak to your hyung." He tells off the younger, with Jaemin chuckling at the scene that was unfolding infront of him. The two continued to bicker as Jaemin was trying to not go deaf from all of the screeching and shouting. 

While that was happening, Jaemin rummaged through his backpack and heaved out a sigh. "What's wrong, hyung?" Jisung asks, a slight bit of concern in his voice. 

"That stubborn samoyed took something from my bag and I know it." He murmured, shuffling items through his bag. Wouldn't you know it, although he had a stash of some of his favourite ramen, there was one cup missing from the mix. "Fucking hell, he took one of my ramen cups." 

At this point, Jisung was holding back Renjun from breaking down the door. The call unexpectedly ends quickly, with Renjun and Jisung screeching on the other end. Jaemin sighs once more before getting up from his spot and dusting off his pants. 

The boy took one of the many ramen cups and walked into the mini kitchen, searching for the kettle. Once he had found it, he filled it up halfway and settled it down on the mini gas stove, waiting for the water to boil. 

While that was happening, Jaemin walked around the suite, trying his best to entertain himself. "There's nothing fun to do." He stops in his tracks before letting out a long sigh. "And here I was, way too optimistic to think I'll actually find a lover on this cruise." 

He stares softly at the samoyed keychain clinging tightly onto his backpack. Not going to lie, that stubborn samoyed was attractive. He slaps himself, the stinging coming afterwards. "What am I thinking?" Jaemin murmurs. "I can't fall for that stubborn bitch. He's not on my list of people to fall in love with." 

The kettle started to howl, making Jaemin jump on the spot from the sudden noise. He clutched tightly at his chest before walking over and prying open the ramen cup. Picking up the kettle, the boy cautiously pours the water in, hoping to not splash any on himself. 

Once again, he waits for the ramen to become soft before sprinkling the spices into the cup. As he stirred, the aroma coming from the cup was enough to make his mouth water. "My god this looks amazing." Jaemin said, amazed at how glory the food was. He couldn't resist the temptation to snap a picture and post it onto Instagram and into his chaotic group chat. 

As he was writing down the description for the post, he whipped out his chopsticks and slurped up a handful or ramen. He moaned in delight afterwards, looking at the ramen hard. "This is the best ramen I've ever made in my life." He pats himself on the back. "Good job, me." 

While Jaemin was having the time of his life eating his ramen, there was a loud knock on his door. He twists around and stares at it before getting up, leaving his precious ramen. 

He unlocks the door, expecting there to be a staff. But to his surprise, there was noone. Nothing but a grocery bag on the ground. Inside were two cups of instant ramen, a small yellow sticky note stuck onto one of the cups. 

The confused boy picks up the bag and takes off the sticky note while closing the door behind him. "Have some ramen in apology." He reads, staring at the small heart at the end of the sentence. Jaemin takes out the ramen, inspecting them closely and concluding that they were the same brand and same flavor as the one he has. 

"Ok this is either a cute confession or someone is literally stalking me." He glares at the food, both thankful and a bit creeped out. "I'd like to think that it's the first option so I can sleep well tonight." He hugs the ramen cups dearly before setting them down next to his other ramen cups sitting on the shelf. 

Jaemin returns to his somewhat lukewarm ramen and continues where he left off, ending the last of the post and uploading it. Soon enough, his ramen cup was empty and Jaemin was left with a full stomach. 

He pats his stomach once. "Gosh that was a good meal." He smiles to himself, getting up and looking at the small mess he made. Of course, a good cleanup couldn't go without any music. Jaemin scrolls through his music before pressing on one that he hadn't listened to in a while. 

Bustin Jiever's 'Boyfriend'. "Man, this brings back memories." He starts to wiggle a bit, moving in his spot before stopping and starting to clean up. He chuckles to himself for no reason, just having the feeling of having to do so. 

Although the music and cleaning did take him away to a somewhat far away land, away from stress and worry, he had a feeling that he had seen the handwriting on that note before. Very recently as well. 


I'm sorry if this took a while T^T school buried me in a bunch of assignments, I'm sorry

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