Chapter Thirty-Nine: A New Ally

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Sometimes before a big storm, when the air is filled with electricity, the hair on the end of my arms will stand straight up like tiny lightning rods. The sensation always leaves me feeling apprehensive- too scared to step outside because I would draw the electricity to me.

When I open my eyes after summoning the portal, I'm confused by the cloudless sky overhead. Every part of me feels the way I do before a storm, on edge and tense, and some part of me tingles, almost as if I've already been struck by lightning. All my senses are overcharged, and I ache everywhere. For the first time in a while, my magic sleeps in my middle, content and exhausted.

"She's awake. Rose, pumpkin? Can you hear me?"

There was a note of panic in my father's voice, hidden behind the gentle concern as he helped me sit up. A gust of wind blew dust and debris into my face, and I sneezed, coming fully awake when I saw who sat on the floor of the ruined hallway in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded.

Luis Goodwin arched an eyebrow and glanced at my father. Because he was behind me, I couldn't see what expression he made to his old friend, but the Goodwin patriarch smirked in response. It made me want to punch him in the face- rearrange his features so he didn't desecrate Ash's handsome smile.

"I forgot how much of a temper you have," Luis replied, rubbing his jaw.

It was my turn to smirk. Though it didn't lessen my desire to hit him, I recalled it wouldn't be the first time I punched Luis, and a second time would likely be just as satisfying.

"Well, you kidnapped her," my father snarled in a most un-Basil-like way. "And tried to turn her into a child bride, and nearly made her an orphan, and-"

"Enough," Luis shouted back. "I know every loathsome thing I've ever done."

He sounded disgusted. Turning my head to the side, I watched him for a moment before asking, "I suppose you expect us to believe you're somehow a changed man? When did that happen? Because three days ago you were still on board with the entire plan to marry me off and sacrifice your son to a demon. Who, by the way, is in fact not a demon."

"Yes, your father filled me in on that bit. As much as he understood anyway, and no, I don't claim to be changed at all." Anger rippled through him, but he mastered it quickly. Stretching one long leg in front of him, he clasped his elegant fingers over the knee of his other leg and appraised me. "I've experienced a few setbacks, but right now my primary concern is retrieving my daughter and my son. In this we are allies."

I elbowed my father away and stood up on trembling, coltish legs. "Wow, I'm shocked you included Ash in your concerns."

His son who I sent through a portal into god knows where. Opening that portal had been pure instinct and desperation, but in my bones, I knew it was the right choice. Ash and Malphas had to reach the bottle, or we were doomed.

"Do not pretend to understand my relationship with my son," Luis said. Even sitting on the ground while I stood, he had a commanding presence. No one would think he spent his entire life churning with resentment for being made to feel inferior.

"Rose," Daddy said, "Enough."

Instead of heeding his command, I walked until my toes were almost on top of Luis' extended foot. "I would never understand that because I can't grasp how someone would treat Ash the way you do. He is good. He is kind. He is nothing like you in any way possible."

Daddy dragged me back and gave me a harsh look. "Enough," he repeated. "We are wasting precious time. Atticus took everyone, Rose. Everyone but you and me."

Southern Secrets: Book 2 in Southern Charms SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now