{12} An X Explosive X Situation

Start from the beginning

"No, not like that," She giggles. "I don't mean as friends. Do you actually like any of them?"

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as she studies my reaction. "Why would you think that?

"Well you've been with them this whole time, right?"

"Well," I try to explain. "One of them is my brother."

"Really, which one?" she asks curiously.

"Gon, the one with the spiky black hair. He wears a lot of green."

She takes a moment to consider what I'm saying. "Okay then, so which one do you like? It has to be one of them. The blonde maybe? Or is it the kid with the silvery white hair?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stutter, not meeting her gaze.

She laughs at me. "Well I like Pokkle. He's number 53." She rolls over and settles in. "I just had a thought... your target is my target's number backwards," she mumbles and she's sound asleep. Well that was an interesting last thought. I think to myself. I don't really 'like' him, do I? Is that what it is? I look up in the trees. The person targeting me is still there. Nothing's changed, they still have no intention of attacking me yet.


I wake up to the smell of Ponzu making breakfast. The sun is just beginning to rise. I notice we're not in the same spot as when I fell asleep. "That smells delicious. What are we having?" I ask, yawning.

"Bacon and some eggs I happened to find."

"Any trouble last night?" I question.

"Nope, it was pretty calm. Well, you did start sleepwalking but I just kind of left you alone." She hands me a plate of food.

"Damn. Sorry I forgot to tell you that would happen."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not really sure where you were trying to go, but I made sure to keep a close eye on you."

We keep talking while we finish the food she made. She tries to get out of me which one of the guys I like, but I still don't answer. "We're just friends," I insist. Afterwards, we exchange information and then part ways. It's nice to hang out with a girl for a change.

"Okay back to finding 301," I say aloud. I wander into the forest wondering where he might have hid himself. It'd be easier if I knew who his target was.

I freeze feeling someone's bloodlust emanating from behind me. Immediately my stalker's mood changes and they're ready to kill. I anticipate someones arrival so I ready myself. A shot rings out and dirt flies up next to me.

"I'll be the only one to kill her," An unnaturally emotionless voice says. It sends shivers down my spine. The woman with red hair and dark shades falls to the ground. She's dead. It looks like someone snapped her neck. Another person jumps down from the trees above. It's my target. So he came to me...

"Good I found you." His bloodlust is seeping from every pore. "You're going to get yourself killed like that, before I even get the chance."

"You were the cause of her apprehension," I say coldly.

"You shouldn't be trying to make friends with Kil. He doesn't need friends. If you insist on doing so, I'm going to have to kill you." Kil? Is he talking about Killua?

"Give it your best shot, pin head," I say through clenched teeth.

He stares at me and tilts his head. There is no expression in his eyes. "Oh what are you going to do to stop me?" My eyes turn their special shade of scarlet. He'd probably be surprised if this nutcase could show emotion. "Hisoka will be very displeased if I kill you. Oh well, it can't be helped." What is he babbling about Hisoka for?

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now