Chapter 2

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The voice he has been hearing sounds louder then before. That was what woke him from his sleep. It is early morning the sun just rising with the sky turning a beautiful baby blue. The birds chirping and the crisp, cool air seeps it's way through the blankets This felt much different then waking up in the compound. He was normally greeted with the sound of Steve waking him up for "training" which was more like "I am making sure you are still in your room not causing trouble." He sits up looking around the room, the blanket falling from underneath his chin down to his lap. He looks around the loft area taking in the sights. His dress shirt,  pants, suit jacket, were all neatly folded at the bottom of the bed while his dress shoes were sitting on the floor beside the  wardrobe. His suit case was moved to the floor before he went to bed that night. He removes the blanket from his body fully placing his feet on the hardwood floor. He pauses for a moment to listen to the voice that has been inside his head. Whoever they are, they are not talking to him directly at this moment. They seem to be talking to themselves and based on the tone of their voice they seem nervous. "Please have this food be good for them. I have no idea what they like." The voice says. He decides to ignore it for now and stand up. The chilly air doesn't bother him at all since he is cold resistant by being a Jotun something he still despised about himself. He walks over to his suit case after making the bed, something he became accustom to since his time on Earth, and putting it on the bed unzipping it. He had only slept in his boxers the night before so he decides to get  dressed instead of looking indecent in front of the cameras, wherever they are he doesn't know quite yet.

After some time he has put his clothes away in the wardrobe and has gotten dressed in yet another suit despite the fact that he will most likely not see anyone the entirety of his stay. He climbs down the ladder and crosses  to the other side of the cottage to the kitchen. Once he gets there he realizes something, 'I don't know how to cook...' He finds himself feeling slightly insecure, he has the feeling that if someone was watching him they would be laughing right now when he comes to his realization All he can hope for is if this mysterious voice gives him food from wherever they are. He turns around walking back into the living room toward one of the tall bookshelves. His fingers glide over the spines of the books as he reads the titles. When he finds one that peaks his interest  he removes it from the shelf and goes over to the couch  finding a suitable spot and begins to read. His reading was interrupted by steady knocks on the door. He lets out a silent sigh as he stands up and walks over to the wooden door opening it to see someone other then the Avengers standing there with a wide grin on their face.

This is the first time you have ever done this. Your family was very Christian and very strict. The first time you ever heard of magic was a long time ago when you went to a carnival with your friends at the time. You got your fortune told and you were interested by the vast amounts of colorful cards which you later learned were tarot cards. You began your practice in secret collecting books and writing in journals but never have you ever tried worshiping a God other then the one your parents wanted you to. You learned about candle magic and offerings, you read about different Gods from all sorts of religions and practices, you did your own day to day readings, and you would like to say that you became a decently experienced practitioner. That only expanded when you moved away from your life in the city you lived in out into the forest. You enjoyed foraging for plants, you had your own vegetable and herb garden and you were finally confident enough to aim your practice towards the various Gods you were interested in. Norse Mythology  is what interested you the most. The one god you read about the most was named Loki he was the God of Trickery and Mischief. You enjoyed the occasional tricks and pranks and you thought he would be good company. When you first lit a candle to him nothing major really happened. Until recently the flame of the candle would flicker and grow to nearly impossible heights. You spoke and prayed, you learned how to read the soot stains on the candles once they burned down fully. You were very happy to learn that maybe this God is listening to you! It gave you comfort to know that someone was on the other side.

As of right now though you are worrying. The energy changed in the forest when as you were foraging the sound of a car on the dirt road caused you to hide in the shrubbery. It went up a gravel drive way which lead to a cottage which was vacant when you moved in, from what you could tell there were multiple people in the car. Being neighborly as you are you decided to trek your way back to the smaller cottage you lived in a mile or so away. You always made sure to stay within your property line which was divided by a small stream you frequented to forage the plants that lived around there. As you made your way home you notice the suns position. It was much later then you anticipated so it will most likely be dark by the time you went to go greet your new neighbors. You decided that tomorrow morning you will make your way back toward the gravel drive way and give them some homemade food. That is why now you find yourself murmuring  and talking to yourself as you pack foods that went from veggies, to fruit, to mainly desserts that you enjoy. You placed everything into a basket or two and then placed it into a small red wagon that you use to carry your various plants, herbs, and magical tools for when you decide to practice in the forest. You are clad in a pair of denim overalls, a (F/C) striped sweater some boots and a small straw hat. Your (H/L), (H/C), was styled the way you liked it and as you tighten your laces you make your way through the forest, across the stream until the neighboring cottage comes into view. Your knuckles wrap on the wooden door with confidence. The door opens to see a very attractive man standing in the door way. He has piercing green eyes, and is wearing a black suit with matching dress shirt and tie, he has a well defined jaw line, and beautifully white toned skin with curly, light brown hair. His aura radiated power and confidence his face stoic and waiting for you to say something.

Loki and His Follower ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now