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Spencer sits on the bottom step of the stairs as she processes everything that Sam and Dean told her. The truth about who and what she is. She can't say that she expected something like this to happen. With everything else going on in her life, this is a true curveball. Tony shakes a glass of whiskey at her and she takes it with a small sigh. He then sits at her side on the bottom step. Watching Trinity as she plays with her dolls in the living room under the watchful eyes of Sam and Dean.

"It doesn't change anything" Tony offers. "Not really..." She scratches at her arm and shrugs. "At the end of the day, John and Mary raised you...well, John raised you, made you who you are, and who you pretty damn badass" She leans into his side and he kisses her head.

"And the other stuff....?" She whispers.

"Being human was overrated for you anyway" He comments.

"What am I suppose to do?" She whispers. Tony rubs her back and then nudges her.

"Same thing you've always done, Spence" He answers. "Fight. Protect your family." He touches her arm and she nods a little. She can do that. She is good at that. She just needs to think about this in the same way. This means she has an extra thing to use to defend the people that she loves. Whatever being this creature means. This hybrid. Something has to come from it. She just needs to get a handle on it. She's smart. She can learn how to adjust. To adapt.


Dean and Sam are stood, huddled together in the living room, whispering among themselves. There is more they need to tell Spencer but Dean doesn't want to tell her yet. Not with everything else that they've gone through today. It's a lot for anyone. Sam gives him a look because he feels that they should get it all out. He hates keeping secrets from Spencer.

"Not yet" Dean scolds. "Look, everything we've already thrown at her today, let's not tell her that she's destined to fight her twin sister and only one of them will win.....not yet, not till she's worked through this" Sam sighs but does see his point. The adoption. The species. It's all been a lot for one day. Learning there is an apocalyptic prophecy attached to her and her twin sister might just be the straw. Spencer needs to get used to this in her own time, not be rushed into it. She will feel rushed if she knows that there is a deadline on her learning about who she is and what she can do. They have till Lucifer and Michael face off. And who knows when that is actually going to happen. Sam shifts away from Dean when Spencer and Tony walk towards them.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asks Spencer, she nods a little and then shrugs. Still not sure how she feels about this. It's big news. Huge news. For her to find out her entire family is a lie, but a lie done out of love. Mary clearly loved her sister enough to take on her daughter after her death. She glances at Castiel who lingers at the edge of the room, watching her. Because that doesn't make her feel great. That this angel is wary of her. It gives her an idea of what she could be. Power-wise. Why else would he be wary of her? Unless she could actually hurt him.

"That's Castiel" Dean offers. "Cas, this is..."

"Spencer" Castiel finishes. "Yes, I am aware" He moves closer to them.

"Cas is just going to make sure that...." Dean starts and then looks at Sam for help explaining this.

"I don't go nuclear" Spencer finishes instead. "Right?" None of them gives her an answer, but she knows what it is. She knows that she is right about this. "Okay...So what exactly does this mean?" She asks. "What can I possibly do?"

"We don't know" Sam admits. "No one does. You are the first of your kind that we've come across.....even the angels don't know your full potential"

"But they have a basic idea of what I could do?" She counters and looks at Castiel. He glances at Sam and Dean, trying to work out how much he is allowed to tell her.

"Kitsune are also known as fire-foxes" Castiel offers. "We believe your powers may lie within the pyro-spectrum"

"So fire?" Spencer asks. "That's....all you got, it might have something to do with fire?"

"You are an unknown" Castiel adds. She sighs a little and shakes her head.

"We're not going to know unless you try" Sam offers. "So..." Spencer touches the necklace around her neck. She's always worn it. The concept of taking it off feels foreign to her. It's been part of her life for as long as she can remember. Now she knows why. To keep her true self-locked away from her. To keep it all hidden. All those years of secrets and lies.

"Okay," She whispers.

"How about we take this downstairs?" Tony asks them, stopping Spencer from taking off her necklace for now. "Just in case" He adds. "Dum-E can be on standby" Spencer looks at him and then nods. That makes sense. Dum-E and Jarvis can be ready with whatever they need. If it is fire then Dum-e has his fire extinguisher to help. Spencer gives Tony a grateful look and he touches the small of her back.

(3) Vulpes Infernum (T. Stark) **On Hiatus**Where stories live. Discover now