Start from the beginning

Next day


"Good morning," I greeted as I walked into the dining area. I pulled out a chair and took my seat.

"Morning, Mamu. How was your night?" Adda asked, with a warm smile.

"It was fine, Alhamdulillah, Adda," I replied with a smile and turned to Fahad, who was engrossed in stuffing his face with food. "Fahad, we should get going if you're done," I said, and he nodded, managing to swallow his mouthful.

"Won't you eat first, Asmau?" Adda asked, her concern evident in her eyes.

"No, Adda. I'll eat when I reach the office. I have to finish some work, and I heard we're having a meeting today," I explained.

"Ooh, okay then. I guess I will pack some food for you then," she said and rushed to the kitchen before I could stop her.

"Adda, you're too kind," I chuckled and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the table. "Fahad, you eat like a horse; hurry so we can leave," I teased.

"Asmau, I'll never focus on my work if I don't eat my breakfast, unlike you," he retorted, grinning.

"Glutton," I quipped, "learn me."

"You want me to starve to death, right?" he asked, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Of course not."

"What are you guys talking about?" Zainab asked as she came over to hug me. "Good morning, Mamu," she greeted.

"Morning, my love. How was your night?" I asked, returning her hug.

"It was fine, except for the fact that I kept thinking about today's exams," she sighed as she settled down in another seat.

"Don't worry, In shaa Allah, it will be easy. I trust you. Just don't forget to pray before you start," I advised, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Fav. I will, In shaa Allah," Zainab replied.

"I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Asmau, here's the food," Adda said as she handed me a bag filled with breakfast.

"Adda, isn't this too much?" I asked.

"Come on, Asmau, it's nothing. Besides, I'm sure you won't eat it all by yourself," she reassured me.

"Okay, then. Allah ya saka da Alkhairi. I don't know how I can ever repay you for all this, honestly," I expressed my gratitude with a warm smile.

"Asmau, don't say that. I'm just happy you're here with us, and this is your home too, so you shouldn't think about repaying anything," she replied with sincerity, and I couldn't help but hug her.

"You're such an angel, Adda."

"Okay, okay, enough of your lovey-dovey moment, Asmau. We should get going, or you will be late for work," Fahad interjected, playfully. Jealousy.

We finally bade them all goodbye before heading to work.


"Asmau, you're here!" Abidah exclaimed and rushed over to give me a hug.

Meet Abidah; my lively co-worker, a bundle of energy who could be both a pest and a friend. She had a habit of popping into my office unannounced.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Beedah? We met yesterday, so why are you acting like you haven't seen me for months?" I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door to my office, then walked inside.

"Come on, Asmau, I love you too much, that's the reason why," she pouted, trailing behind me.

"You need help," I muttered, sitting down at my desk.

"What did you bring for us today?" She asked, peeping inside the bag. "Wow, chips and egg, nice!" She grinned.

"Ooh, Abidah, I wonder how your husband copes with you," I said, going through some files.

"He is so lucky to have me," she wiggled her brows.

"You wish," I rolled my eyes.

"Have you heard about the visitors we're having? Our new partners. I heard we're starting a new project with them if they agree, of course."

"Yeah, I did. But what company is that?" I asked.

"A company in Abuja."

"What's the name of their company?" I asked curiously.

"S—" A knock on the door interrupted her.

"Come in!" I said.

The vice president's personal assistant walked in. "Good morning, Mrs. Asmau, good morning, Mrs. Abidah," she greeted.

"Morning, Amirah," I smiled.

"Mrs. Asmau, the VP of operations wants you to review the financial statements of last month for Mona's department, and it should be submitted before the end of today." She explained.

"Okay, Amirah. I'll do it. Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. Excuse me," she said before walking out.

"Oh my gosh! I need to head to my office before Mrs. Rahma finds out I'm not there. Bye, see ya later," Abidah said and rushed out of the office.

Six hours later...

"Asmau, aren't you done? I want to go home," Abidah whined.

"I'm sorry, Beedah. I'll go submit this document to the VP of operations, and when I return, we can get going home," I said, rising up from my seat.

"Finally," she sighed. "You're such a workaholic."

"And you're such a drama queen," I chuckled and sauntered out of my office.

The office was bustling as usual, with everyone rushing about. Some were typing on their computers, while others were engaged in conversation.

I knew the VP would be leaving soon, so I had to hurry and deliver the document to her. I opened the file for one last review when I accidentally bumped into someone, causing the file to tumble to the floor.

"Oh my, I'm sorry," I apologized and bent down to pick up the file. "I wasn't looking, and I—" My words caught in my throat, and my heart seemed to stop. My mouth fell open as I stood frozen, a sudden coldness washing over me. I felt something heavy in my stomach, and I continued to stare with wide eyes, my body trembling.

"Asmau," he called out, his face mirroring my shock.

I couldn't utter a word. I simply turned around and, in a rush, exited the building.

"Asmau, please wait!" He caught up with me and grabbed my arm, pulling me close, while I looked up at him.

"Abubakar, please don't do this, please," I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

"I'm not doing anything, Asmau. I just want us to talk."

"I have nothing to talk to you about. Just leave me alone, please." I tried to break free from his grip.

"Just listen to me." He insisted.

"I won't. Let go of me." I fought back.

"Okay, then." He muttered and released me. I turned to leave when he held my hand again, this time with my back turned to him.

"I won't give up on us. I'll fight for you, no matter what it takes." With that, he let go of me and walked away, leaving me in stunned silence.


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