Chapter 2

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Just before the previous Chapter
Stoick POV:

    I watched as Hiccup and Gobber walked away, as the whole village cheered him on. But while I watched him walk away, I had a innerbattle inside of me.
    One part of me was thrilled that I had that excuse of a son out of my home and the baggage that came with it. Another part of me was confused that he looked actually pleased that he was out of my home. And then another part of me was hurt that he wanted to get out of my house. Wasn’t it great that I was his father, the chief of the village. He was supposed to take my role as the next chief and he just gave it away just like that.
    I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I needed to get back to my village. We needed to send another party to destroy the nest. So I quickly called a meeting and all the villagers went to the great hall, without the youth.
    So I then spended the next few minutes discussing how important it is. After a few minutes of arguing and slamming my Dagger into the map, people were still unsure. So I just smirked and stood straighter and said, “Ok, those who chose to stay will have to adopt Hiccup.”
    Everyone’s eyes widened in fear and shock and they all raised their hands and shouted that they were in. I grinned and said, “That’s more like it.” They then all walked away and I stood there proud that we were going to launch another party to destroy the nest. I then saw Gobber sitting at one of the tables drinking a mug of mead. I walked over to him and he took another jug of it.
    He then slammed his mug on the table and said, “Should I pack my unnies?”
    I shook my head and replied, “No, I need you to fix the forge and the damages and train some new recruits.”
    He nodded and took another jug of his mug and asked, “And what about the new disowned son of yours?”
    I caught onto his aggressive tone and looked at him. Gobber never really got angry and this was definitely strange for him. “What are you talking about?” I asked him.
    He almost glared at me and explained, “Hiccup, your son. What are you going to do about him?”
    I looked at one of the paintings and said, “Nothing. It was his choice to get disowned.”
    He stared at me blankly and then stood up and stood in front of me and stared at me. He then took his mug of mead and threw it directly in my face. I closed my eyes and covered my face as the last few drops hit my beard. I opened my eyes and looked at him questionably.
    “Did you give him a choice?” he asked me pointedly, “Did you think that he wanted to continue to live like he was living?”
    I glared at him and shot back, “He lived in the house of the Chief. He should have been grateful.”
    Gobber then got mad and slammed his mug on the table and said, “NO, STOICK.” I was shocked at his reaction and shutted my mouth. He took a deep breath and then continued, “Stoick, Hiccup lost his mother before he was one-year old. That meant that he had one parent. You. That meant that you had to look after him. And I know you are the chief, but would it have destroyed the entire village if you just spent a minute with him a day.”
    I opened my mouth to say something, but it was dried. “I have watched how your boy grew up, Stoick,” he continued, “I have watch him, how he learn to crawl, to stand, to walk, to run and to talk without anyone to help him, while the rest his age sucked their thumbs, just to make you happy or to make you proud of him. But all he got was your rejection and how you went on to help the village.”
    Gobbler took a deep breath and stood more calmly. “Stoick,” he said in a calm voice, “I have watched how your Las, has done the impossible and went through helheim every day and still woke up and went through the day with a spark in his body. If your Las isn’t worthy of being your child, then you are not worthy to be his father.”
    He then stood up and left me to think of what he said. And I was really confused. But I then remembered the day.
    I was doing my morning rounds, when all of the sudden a boy came to me and tugged at my leg. I looked down with irritation to see my few month old son that was standing before me.
    He smiled at me, brightly, and said, “Look daddy, I can walk.”
    I just groaned and patted him on his head and walked away, but froze when he asked, “Aren't you happy, daddy? That I can walk.”
    Couldn’t the child understand that I left him at home, so that he won’t bother me. He would be fine alone for the day and I would come by later the day. I turned to him and glared and said, “No, I am not. I left you at the house so that you won’t bother me, so go back to the house and wait for me to come by later.”
    He looked hurted and his eyes started to tear up. It wasn’t such a big deal. I killed my first dragon when I was still a baby and he just walked for his first time. I quickly stepped towards him and said, “A viking doesn’t cry, Hiccup. So you will not cry and will go back to the house.”
    He looked down and sniffed and replied, “Yes, daddy.”
    He turned around and walked away towards our house direction that was on the other side of the village.
End of Flashback:
    A tear came out of my eye as I remembered the memory. I quickly wiped it away and stood up. I needed to apologize to him for my attitude that day. It wasn’t right. So I quickly stood up and walked out of the great hall and towards my house. After a minute of walking, I was there.
    I took a shaky breath and opened the door and walked in. I looked across the room that was cleaned like always, when I entered the house. I looked up at the stairs and started to walk up it going at a slow pace. After a second I reached his door and reached for the handle. I hesitated for a moment before taking a breath and opening the door and walking in.
    But found it empty. His drawings were all gone, and the room was clean with nothing inside of it, as if there was no sign that he ever lived here, except for the box on his bed. I walked over to it and looked inside to find nothing. I sat on his bed and looked at his room.
    I sighed. I was too late. Hiccup is gone. My son left me and I was the only cause of it.
    But I couldn’t grieve now. It was Hiccup's choice to go, not mine. That is on him. And he can do whatever he wants to now. I don’t have to do anything for him. And besides I have a nest to destroy. With that I stood up and marched towards my room

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