Chapter 1

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All Rumani ever wanted was a good career, loving family,her own house, good job and a loving boyfriend. Now,as she sat in the JMV hospitals' Psychiatry section,she realised maybe she was wrong all her life. All she needed was therapy. Well maybe along with the things mentioned above.
“ Have you filled out your form yet?” asked the nurse. She looked bored with her job. She had that look on her face– the one,which you get when you do the job,which is forced on you,by your parents.
Feel you. Rumani wanted to shout out that to her retreating figure,but she held back. It was one thing, trying to get therapy and to behave like a mad person. If someone saw her shouting her lungs out, they'll label her as Crazy and send her to the only solution of mental health problems in India— yeah,you guessed it right,the Mental hospital. The one, with the name of whom,her friends used to tease someone else among themselves. Now,as Rumani thought back to those days, she knew that was insensitive of her.
As Rumani scribbled her last words on the form,the nurse appeared in front of her,like Randy Orton in WWE. She smiled, reminiscing the memory of her and her brother, watching WWE back at home,as she handed the form back to the nurse. The Sullen look was still there. The longer she stared at her face,the longer she thought about the look on her face,when she interacted with her students. Did she have that look too, while working?
Well,She hoped not,as it would make her students run away from her lectures,even though her subject was good at doing that job for her.
“ You'll have your weekly sessions with Dr. Veer Suryavanshi. You'll be charged five thousand per session,” Five thousands per session! And then people had the audacity to ask why don't you try therapy? Well,in reality therapy was a luxury that only rich people can afford. “Here is his card,if you think the situation is out of control for you,”She handed him the card. As Rumani glanced at the card in her hand,her eyes landed on the Doctorate in Psychology. He had a Ph.D in psychology. A light smile crossed her face. Rumani had the soft spot for the people with doctorate degrees. She knew the hard work and the resilience went behind getting that Dr.  in front of your name,Soon which she will be getting called as- Dr. Rumani Shergill. God,she loved how it sounded in her head. As Rumani looked up,she saw Nurse was looking at her in a scrutinized way. Come on, People daydream all the time! “Yes?” Rumani murmured as she couldn't take that scrutinizing glance any longer. The nurse hesitated before opening her mouth, “ See,you look like a nice girl. So I just wanted to tell you about something related to Dr. Veer beforehand.”
“Umm, okay. Continue.”
“ Dr. Veer is very good. Very very good doctor,but… ” She fidgeted around with her dress.
But,He is a serial killer. Oh this could be so possible,as he would never get caught. Rumani's mental alarm went off,as she thought about the ways,he could kill her and blame it on her as well.
“But he's a little unorthodox. His ways are different,but very effective. So try to hang in there.” She patted her shoulder lightly and left from there. A little unorthodox. Rumani could handle a little unorthodox ness. What she couldn't handle was her own mind and the scenario it created. Rumani hoped that the doctor would be able to  handle it for her.
“Rumani Shergill,you can go in.”
Rumani got up from her seat and strutted along her way to the doctor's cabin, feeling she was the main character of the story,whose problems are about to be solved with the help from the magic fairy.

Rumani had been wrong about many things in her life- like eating those extra pani puris,even though she was full and then spending her night walking through her corridor. Yes, there were many things in addition to that one. But Rumani had never been wrong about something like this—Dr. Veer Suryavanshi was no Magic fairy, instead at the moment,he was behaving as an ice princess according to her. Forty minutes had passed since she put foot in his cabin. He hadn't even said hello to her till now. He hadn't even faced her. As her feet tapped against the white marble floor of the hospital,she really rethought some of the decisions she made in her life. Particularly this one. Was she really going to spend her hard earned five thousand rupees,for which she even sacrificed her weekends,like this?
Finally,her patience wore thin. She cleared her throat. No response. She cleared her throat again,this time louder. Still no response. She was in the middle of  her third attempt at getting his attention, when he whispered, “ Maybe,you should have a check up with an ENT specialist,before taking an appointment with me.” His chair was still turned to her.
“ Excuse me?” said Rumani, appalled.
“ It's on the first floor,on the left side.” His hand made an appearance from behind the chair,which was still turned to her. Rumani had enough. “ Dr. Veer Suryawanshi! ”
And then the miracle happened,and finally, finally Dr. Veer Suryawanshi made an appearance. With a book. The half girlfriend?
That jerk was reading half girlfriend at the time,she paid for the therapy. What the fuck?
“ Yes? ” He looked up from his book and glanced at her. “ I believe,you called my name?” His eyebrows raised in question.
Well,yes. Dipshit. She wanted to say that out loud,but again she held herself back, “ Yes,Doctor.”
“ Yes?” His face carried that look,like he didn't know why she was bothering him in the middle of reading his book.
“ Are we gonna start my session or not?” She said in a restless tone.
“ Oh.” His mouth formed a big O. “ Actually,it skipped my mind that we had our session.” He said,with the same expression on his face, that a four years old will use,when he forgot to do his homework.
He,what? This was the last straw. “ I've never seen someone as incompetent as you Dr. Veer Suryawanshi.” said Rumani, collecting her phone and bag off the table and started to leave.
“ Maybe,you should take a look at yourself in the mirror.” A mere whisper came through the air.
Rumani halted in her steps, turned around and asked, “ What did you just say?”
“ I said that Maybe,you should take a look at yourself in the mirror.” Rumani's lips pursed up. “ You know, you asked what I said earlier?” He said, getting up from his chair and circling up his table,coming to a halt at the front of table. He leaned against her, facing her.
Rumani blinked her eyes and shook her head, trying to absorb what was really happening. She opened her eyes again, meeting his, “ I heard you the first time. You know what,you are the worst Psychologist I think, there ever can be?”
He crossed his arms against his chest and smirked. He smirked ! “ And wait a second,that observation comes after meeting the list of plethora of Psychologists, you've seen?” He paused, “ Oh wait,there was none.”  He squinted his eyes at her in a questioning gaze.
“ I can't believe I'm wasting my hard earned money like this.” Rumani talked to herself.
“ Well, that's not the only thing you're wasting away,” He walked up to Rumani, His eyes made a scan of her face,a teasing smile lit his face, “ Miss Rumani Shergill.” He said, looking into her eyes. They were eye to eye with each other. Rumani couldn't hold his gaze any longer,so she turned her face away, “ I need to go.” She said, lurching forward for the door knob. His hand came over her's and stopped her from opening it, “ No, you don't need to. Our session isn't over yet.” He whispered in her ears.
What was he doing? Was he playing some games with her,she didn't know yet?
Rumani cackled and turned around, facing him, “ Our Session?” She said, incredulous. “ What session are you talking about Dr. Veer Suryawanshi? Do you even know what is my name.” She asked, looking him in the eye. He smiled, looking away before glancing back at her.
“ Yes,Rumani Shergill. I think,I know your name. I also know that you work at JMV institutes as Physics professor. You've moved up to Chandigarh,just one and half years back. And originally you're from a small village in Hoshiarpur,Punjab.” Rumani's mouth hung open,as he continued to talk, “ Rumani Shergill- The straight A student,too polite,too humble,too good to be true, should I say that?” He said, backing her into his cabin wall. “ Relationship status- Single,never had a boyfriend in your life. Should I need to say more or is that enough?” He asked,his lips parting away slightly before he backed away from her. Rumani felt as if she had lost her ability to breath and speak at the same time few moments ago and gained it back just now. She took a long deep breath, before opening up her mouth, “ Why didn't you interacted with me earlier,if you knew so much about me?”
“ Maybe I was waiting for you to speak up?”
“ Hmm?”
“ Rumani,Rumani. Rumani,you perceived my silence as me expressing not trying to communicate with you. Why didn't you think,that maybe I was silent because I was waiting for you to speak. Maybe I was silent,so I could hear you out?” His brows touched his forehead as he spoke.
He glanced at clock and opened the door for , “ Now you can go, our session is over.”
“ Umm,... Okay, bye?”
“ Bye. Just leave fast, I've another patient waiting for me.” said Veer and shoved her outside.
As Rumani stood his door, only one thought popped into her mind.
What the hell just happened?

Ch 1 is up. Many mores to come.

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