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"Where are we going? You have 30 minutes for this date, Rin. So you better hurry up. I have stuff to do after this." The girl rolled her eyes when Rin seemed to be so eager dragging her wrist. She could never admit it out aloud but, seeing him carefree like that just reminded her of the good old days where she would just watch him and her brother play around from afar. Since she was the next candidate for the throne, her mother restricted her to socialize with any folk. And Rin looked so adorable with his sharp teeth grinning at her goofily.

The guy turned around excitedly, saying something about her need to loosen up and Jun was even more confused when he took her to a secluded place. "Rin, did you bring me here to finally tell me you're a psychopath?" He spared her a scoff and asked her to keep her mouth close when there's a guard patrolling the perimeter. He immediately ducked and grabbed her forearm to do the same, he had his chest pressed against her back. Rin placed a finger to his lips, his other hand clasped over her mouth.

"Stay still, baby." Her body stiffened at the pet name he suddenly called her as his mouth was dangerously close to her ear. His warm breath was itching her skin, something about the way he held her close make Jun feel somehow protected. Almost as if she was driven by her swirling emotions, Jun turned her head to her right and slowly raised her hand to his cheek, making him look at her with a stunned face. They couldn't see each other's face clearly but she could see his expression at that moment by tracing his cheekbone, eyes, and soon his lips.

Jun closed her eyes as if the darkness of the night wasn't enough to scare her. With her head leaned back on his shoulder, her hand played with his maroon locks, she did nothing to stop him when his lips touched her exposed neck. But just as he was about to kiss her skin gently, she said something about him not going to get what he wanted from her. "I can't give you love, Rin. I told you before, I have no plan to fall in love and probably won't. I came here just because of the bet."

The sharp teeth boy heaved a sigh and immediately had his forehead rested on her shoulder. "Even so, couldn't you go softer on me just for tonight?" He closed his eyes. Rin didn't really have a clue about her. Sometimes, he felt as if Jun wasn't the same as before. It's like he didn't even knew this person in front of him. But then again, back in Australia, they didn't really talk to each other much. They just met a few times and he only heard about her from Lucas. There was one time when Lucas left those two to get a milkshake and Rin asked her for a dance. But that's it.

"I'm sorry, Rin. I'm not looking for a lover right now." She couldn't just tell him that her mother would never allow her to catch feelings towards a commoner. Things were complicated for her and she's leaving Japan at the end of the year, she would have to leave everything and Jun was sure that she wouldn't be prepared to feel the impact of losing someone all over again. It was better for her to stop things to keep them the way they were now rather than tangling herself with love and heartbreak.

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