"Yeah, but it's kinda good. I was basically feeling lost when I got out of the airport. I didn't have internet access to even book a cab. Atleast now I'm stable. And you know whattttt!?" His voice jumped like an excited kid's.

"What, what, whattt?!" I returned the same excitement.

"Y/N, THE CAMPUS! OH MY GODDD! IT'S SOOO BEAUTIFUL!! I got a chance to visit yesterday- IT'S SOO SOOO SOO HUGEE. It's way more beautiful than what it seemed like in pictures!" He squeaked out.

"REALLY? Now, i want to see it too!" I replied.

"I'll show it to you on a video call today! You'll love it!" He said.

"Today? Isn't it late?- oh right! Time gap! Wait, what's the time there?" I asked.

"It's amm- lemme check."

I could hear him move things around at the other end of the call.

"Where did I keep that watch?-"

"Jungkook, you have your phone in your hand." I reminded him before I burst out laughing.

"Right- lol.- it's 6:43am right now. I've just woken up, my mind ain't functioning." He replied.


"You know I wake up early right? Plus im jet lagging. I'll sleep for a while around noon maybe. I still have to set my luggage in." He said.

"Ohh, ohkay-"

"Hey Jungkook!" I heard a manly voice from behind him.

"Hey! Morning Noah!" Jungkook replied and I could hear hands slapping eachother.

"You up already?" Noah asked in strong British accent- then continued in a small voice, "Oh- you talking to somebody?"

There was a milli second pause after which Noah spoke again, "Cool...Just be ready soon. You don't wanna miss the weekend special breakfast!"

"Yep." Jungkook replied.

"So, that was my roomate. Noah." Jungkook talked to me.

"Ohh. Iike the name- and the accent." I replied honestly. Some how, I liked British accents a lot. But- I loved Busan accents the most! Cringe? Sorry.

"OH, YEAH? Never said that about my name babygirl." He probably puffed his cheeks.

I laughed before replying, "Your name is my favourite."

"Better that ways!" He laughed too, "Okay, now I'm going back in. It's chilly out here-"

" 'out here'? Where were you?" I asked.

"I was standing in the small balcony outside the room." He spoke as if mentioning the obvious, "What time will you be awake till?"

"Ring me anytime. I've slept through the day waiting for your call." I replied.

"Aww, you missed me soo much?" He asked.

"As if." I sarcastically replied.

"Go now, get some food in your system. I'll call you." He laughed.

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