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Ares Kanata- The name in itself never made sense. Ares, Ares the name is always associated with violence. Whether it be with the famous God of courage and war, or even the zodiac sign who is known for being overly aggressive. Hell everything about her revolves around that damn word. Her own Zodiac sign is an Ares with her birthday being March 30th, the violence that comes with that name too follows her everywhere. Her clan, a breeding ground for the most gruesome nin known to this sick world, she was simply one of it's sick creations and was pushed to embrace it in this world they live in.

As for Kanata, a stupid name really. It's not even supposed to be used as a name and if it is it's very rare and strange. It's supposed to be "金田" is spoken in 'Kaneda', not Kanata. 'Kaneda' means gold field. Kanata, if written differently, can be translated as something similar. "金田" it could be translated into "metal/gold field". But no, her name means something strange.  It means 'Beyond' or 'Far off' (In the distance).

Ares Kanata, Ae-re-s Ka-na-ta. A stupid name. All together 'Ruin Beyond'. But it was funny because it spoke to her character. Ruined beyond repair? No, she wasn't, in fact she was thriving.

Or so she'd like to think to keep her sanity.

No, she ruined everything else beyond repair, yes that, that she could live by. Maybe her parents gave her this name for a reason. Perhaps they intended for her to be this way. 'The Great Ruiner'. Yes, that's a nice title, so far she's lived up to it. Afterwards, that's what shes here for anyway. To ruin everything on her path that poses a threat to her precious village that she has sworn loyalty to. Well maybe not sworn to, but born into. Something completely different, but nonetheless the mission remained that same, the missions bestowed upon her by giving her this ugly name.

To Ruin Beyond, and that, that is something she could and will do with pleasure

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