Amidst the sea of flowers

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You are awfully quiet today.
"Mind your own business."
Your business is also my business since we share the same mind.
"Shut up!"
Hoho, you seem very irritated each time I try talking to you.
Oh? Ignoring me?
"Fuck off"


"What have you done!!"
"Ahahaha hahaha..."
"Is this how you are going to be!"
"I had enough with all of this karma!"
"What does this have to do with her! You killed her! You murderer! You call yourself the Geo yaksha?"
"Pffft Geo yaksha. You know I have long abandoned that title."
"That still doesn't give you the right to murder."
"She was simply too weak and she calls herself the Hydro yaksha. Aah it makes me laugh haha."
"You! Don't talk bad about her!"
"Xiao! Calm down!"
"I said calm down!"
"But he!"
"You should stay out of it. This is him and my business."

                               *  *  *

"Keugh! Is this how you are going to murder everyone. How funny *cough cough*"
"Give up already. Your flames no longer affects me."
"Stop! You're going too far!"
"Xiao!? Didn't i told you to stay out of it!"
"I can't let you die! You should know it yourself that you'll get yourself killed if this continues."
"This my business with him, don't interrupt."
"I think it's enough!!"

The Electro yaksha... why is he here?

"You guys should stop fighting. The lord has requested the Geo yaksha to meet him."
"Seems the lord saved your life."
"I'll take my leave. I no longer want to stay another minute in this filthy place."

Fucking bastard. I would have killed him if I was the Pyro yaksha. Grrrr....

"Xiao, your killing intentions are leaking. You should know how to control your emotions."
"What are you up to?"
"Just came to visit. Nothing unusual."
"It seems you're quite fond with the Hydro yaksha."
"What makes you think of that?"
"Just a hunch."
"What's the real reason you're showing up?"
"You don't believe what I say huh?"
"To be honest I came as soon as I heard about the death of the Hydro yaksha."
"How do you feel?"
"About the death."
"A bit regretful I guess...."
"Have the lord did something to you again."
"Why would you care?"
"You should be more honest."
"How absurd"
"*sigh* come let me look at those wounds."
"*sigh* you sure you don't want me to take a look of it?"
"I don't need someone to worry about me."

Why is he so caring towards me all of a sudden? His behaviour is weird.

"You know...before she died, she told me to look after you."
"She said you're still young not like us. She also said that you should one day leave this place and live your own life. I found that funny as how that could be possible... but as I think now, it doesn't sound bad."
"Why are you telling me about this?"
"Maybe I just wanted for you to know."
"Come to think of it. You seem very fond of her."
"What makes you to assume that?"
"Just a hunch."
"Say, what is this feeling?"
"Oh-ho? I didn't know you were interested in feelings."
"Shut up"
"Hmm what do you think it is?"
"Love? I don't think so."
"How so?"
"I don't think the feeling you have towards her is love. It's far from that."
"It's more like affection."
"You two seem more like siblings affection."
"What makes you think of that?"
"I've been roaming the mortal world. I've seen countless of humans and learned their emotions."
"No wonder you are often absent."
"Well I'm off. You guys don't have to find me again like last time. This time I don't think I'll be back for a long time."
"You're visiting the mortal world again?"
"Just be careful, ok? Or her ghost will be hunting me till death."


You seem deep in thoughts
"It's just some useless old memories."
The so called yaksha who disappeared seems to be the Electro yaksha. It seem that was your last encounter with him.
"Can you just shut up!"

Hmm? He isn't responding. What's his problem? Hmm?


Why is there a unfamiliar sound close by. It seems it's a sound of a flute. Who would play at such late time?

Without me noticing that I was following the sound it came from, my thoughts have vanished and all my dark past has been erase as if it was some kind of sorcery. For some reason my head felt lighter and It cleared my demonic karma. The one playing this melody should be someone not from here. I approached with caution towards its source and saw a strange silhouette beside the shore. A large wind blew in my face unable to clearly see who it was. From the damp moonlight, I saw it more clearly the strange person. Dark lustrous hair, greenish large cape and slender fingers playing a flute. I was standing there listening to the sound calming my soul and head. For the first time, I've felt I could rest without worries. Half of me wanted to let go of my worries and sunk deep into the melody while the other half couldn't let go of my stubborn side. I came closer to admire the melody more clearly and was fast sunken by it.

The music stopped and the person turned its head towards my direction. I was startled by how he discovered my presence from just a few distance. Not even my enemies would know of my presence when I would go closer to them. I was strangely on guard and was cautious about who the person is. I inspected from head to toes if he had any weapons. He doesn't seem like a bad person and he didn't had any hidden intentions. At that moment, the wind blew stronger as the grass rustled with more vigor, I saw the color of his eyes shining like the moon up in the sky. He had emerald like eyes and had something hidden behind those eyes that I do not dare want to know. Just like as if time stopped for a moment, I felt a sensation I never felt before. I could hear my heart beating loudly. The strange figure deposited his flute and extended his hand towards me while the other was tucking his hair behind his ear. With a gentle smile he spoke to me.

"Are you also here to star gazing?"

*Author's note: I know this is short but I assure you that the next chapter will be longer :)

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