Evil Conquering

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Disgusting. The smell of blood and sweat leaking from my clothes and both of my hands isn't getting off. It's not like it's the first time that I've smelled blood. So why am I irritated by the fact I can't get this awful smell off of me. As soon I deposited my jade spear, I went straight towards the bathroom and took a long bath which seems ages since I've done so. That day, I stayed in the bath longer than I expected thinking about all and nothing.

After I've finished washing off the blood, I went downstairs as I bumped into a person of small figure. Blonde hair and golden eyes. It was Aether. In all of places he's here in Wangshu Inn. I half expected him to actually come.

"Oh Xiao!"
"I asked the receptionist if you were in your room, but it seems you were out two days in a row."
"I must've been slaying monsters that I forgot about the time."
"I guess you've been busy lately"

He was looking at me with worried eyes as I was a pitiful cat. I don't get it how people can worry for someone when they can't worry about themselves. That one thing that ticks me off is how he can worry for someone he barely knows. This doesn't make sense. Humans are complicated with their emotions which I totally don't understand a bit.

"Anyway, i have something for you."

Right. Just when I recognized it was Aether, I immediately noticed a brown paper bag letting a very fragrant almond tofu scent. A very familiar scent which reminds me of those dark memories I wish to not have remembered.

"This. This is for you. I did promised to bring almond tofu next time I visit you."

He lends me the brown paper bag and I got a closer scent of the tofu. Just like any other almond tofu made in restaurant nothing was different but I could feel something is definitely different. Normally I would order it in the restaurants but someone giving some to me is different and I feel appreciated a little bit or so I think. Human emotions aren't something I'm good at but I can feel the gratitude in this brown paper bag.

"Almond tofu..."
"It's better if you eat it when it's ready."

I looked at the almond tofu as I was thinking about those bad memories. Without paying attention, I was emitting a dark aura which scared Aether a bit.

"Xiao...are you ok?"

I quickly snapped out of it as i saw Aether's worried face. I couldn't handle the dark aura and pushed Aether out of the way.

"Don't come close."
"But Xiao you are bleeding from your arm."

I didn't noticed I had a wound on my arm. It must've been an accident. Though it's just a scratch and it can't be considered as wound, right?

"It's not looking good, we need to get you healed. I'll call for help."
"No need these wounds are nothing compared to my demonic karma."
"Still Paimon and I are a bit worried."
"Just leave me be!"

Shit. Why of all times, my karma suddenly goes rampage. My vision suddenly went blurry by the black aura I've been emitting. Fuck. I forgot to take my pills with me. Should've took them before the sun has been completely down. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a place where I can let go of it without anyone witnessing.

"Xiao! Are you ok?!"

I was covering my face from the dark aura I was emitting. Aether looked worried as he asked me if I was ok. He took me by my two arms and shook me as he yells my name. I wasn't listening to his words. He was too close to me and I could danger him if he came even closer. I pushed Aether out of the way and went away as soon as I stepped outside. I ran as far as I can before I was about to lose control.

Blood. I was craving for blood. The effects of my karma is making me dizzy and thirsty for bloodshed. I went crazy that night. Slaughtering everything on my sight leaving behind a trail of blood. I felt much better after feeling the nasty blood on my hands. Half-conscious, I went on and on by killing every monsters I find. It was still in the afternoon. Somewhere in my consciousness, I asked how I lost control of everything on plain day light. This doesn't adds up. Usually , my karma would go rampage at midnight. I can't stop the killing and being half-conscious restrained my actions. I couldn't stop my actions of killing. I was turning into a killing machine. Half awake by the screams of the enemies I've killed, countless of screams had buried my ears from my inner thought. It's already been 5 hours that I've kept killing and slaughtering. I didn't cared anymore. My anger was overflowing and I couldn't go on anymore and I just bursted out all my inner anguish. I was in constant pain and was experiencing all kinds of mixed emotions. Anger, frustration, hatred, irritatation. I felt like I was choking myself. As if I was drowning slowly by my own dark thoughts. I once thought things couldn't get this far. I guess I was wrong.

I couldn't ask for help. Morax is having guest visit and I couldn't ask for help. He probably sent Aether to look after me as if I was a helpless case. I didn't want to go see Ganyu. She already have too much work to even help me. I'm sure nobody can help me. I've always struggled alone.

I stopped the killing once there were no more monsters. I've raided all Guili Plains and was bathed by all the blood that had been exposed. The sky was pretty and the full moon shone the whole place. My vision got blurred by the blood and the moon is now red. It was a very mesmerizing red moon. I've stayed still for a moment watching the night sky.

I was slowly losing my sanity. Humanity have long gone and I've lost a part of me with moral thinking.  I felt sick and was about to throw up. I was tired of the nonstop killing. Things have gotten out of hand and I couldn't feel the tiredness anymore. I felt nothing. Nothing...

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