Those who share the memories

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Black chestnut hair and golden piercing eyes. Nothing has changed it seems. Maybe just his eyes. He seems to have experienced a lot of things. Come to think of it, what does he do in his daily life in Liyue. Well there's only way to find out and that is to ask him directly.

"Well, hello Morax!"
"It seems you have arrived earlier than planned, Barbatos."
"Was I intruding your moment with this lovely miss?"
"No, we have just finished our business."
"Mind introducing?"
"Well this is Ganyu, Liyue's emissary and secretary. She is in charge Liyue's system and it's functioning as a city."
"It is my pleasure to meet you. Zhongli has talked about you to me quite often. It's an honor to meet one of seven and I wish you a warm welcome to Liyue."
"It is very nice meeting you miss Ganyu. I hope we could talk more often in the future."
"I will have to excuse myself for now. I have business to attend."

As she went on in a hurry, leaving a fresh scent of glaze lilies, I remembered what I came for. I still have to get a taste of that limited glaze lily wine. I look at the sky and it seems it is still bright. It would be best drinking wine at night. Come to think of it, I've never seen Morax's drunk face. It would be very pleasing to see my old friend getting drunk.

"Well Barbatos I guess a visit in Liyue won't be too much."
"Hmmm...I guess my glaze lily wine can wait."
"Glaze lily wine?"
"Ah oops. It seems I've spoke what's on my mind."
"Mind telling me about it."
"I- well the real reason why I came here is that I've heard about a limited edition of glaze lily wine..."
"*sigh* It seems you haven't changed a single bit. Always alcohol that's on your mind."
"I'm really not surprised that this would be your only reason to come here. It seems in the eye of my old friend wine is more important than me"
"You make it sound as if I am a very cold person."
"Aren't you?"
"It does makes me happy that and old friend hasn't changed at all."
"Anyway are you going to make me wait or mind giving me a tour around Liyue."
"Of course. Follow me."


Liyue seems to be a different breed. I really got blowned away by its scenery and the vast mountains seen from afar. The wind was gently blowing my face. The vast sea was very mesmerizing. It reminded me of the old Mondstadt, but instead of a vast ocean it was more of a vast surface of snow. The fresh sea breeze made my heart flutter a bit. My braids were blown towards the sea as if it was calling me out. I closed my eyes admiring the sound of the waves rushing down towards me. The sound of people chattering and inaudible laughters were sinking me deep in this lively city. I do enjoy Mondstadt's liveliness and it's people. Even though Liyue is a very beautiful city, I prefer Mondstadt's free spirited vibe. Liyue seems a very strict and organized city who follows by its law. Mondstadt is more me and as a god of freedom I can't say otherwise. Living in freedom is my lifestyle and also my trademark. It's part of my personality.

"You have a very lively city, I must say."
"It is indeed lively."
"Say, what do you do as a living?"
"I work at the Wangsheng funeral parlor. Though it is only a job under my name of Zhongli."
"Oh? A funeral parlor?"
"Since I've decided to live as a mortal being, I should know how one lives."
"Interesting. How about you make me visit your work place."
"I guess I can give you a tour."

I didn't expected him to work and live a mortal life. I tried to imagine him working for others but I just can't. Seems out of place. In my head he had always left me the impression of the one being a capable man.

"We have arrived in front of the Wangsheng funeral parlor."

Unlike the gorgeous buildings filling Liyue, this one was quite common. Hidden in a place where nobody could reach. The place was located in a corner of some tall buildings. If I didn't know that this was a funeral parlor, I would never notice that place was actually a thing. The outside of the building doesn't look as refine as the buildings beside it, but it doesn't look too simple. I would say it looks quite modest. As we come closer, there was a young girl looking at a board. She was placing wood platelets on it.

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