BLU Team's Day Off [BLU!TF2]

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[A/N]: Based on the SFM above, where I've just kinda plopped a reader in there to make it all semi-connect because this is bar-none one of my favourite SFMs of all time. Just a classic. I promise to write more in the near future. Please have this in the interim.


Today was a mundane day on the BLU base, a day to unwind and relax before the next big gruesome battle. Everyone was off doing their own thing, except [Class/Name], who had yet to find something to occupy herself with.

Pacing around the base, aimlessly searching for any means of entertainment, [C/N] stumbled upon Scout and Medic on the sofas. Scout mindlessly tossed one of his baseballs into the air, while Medic reclined on the other sofa with a book in one hand a beer in the other.

"Entertain me." [C/N] sat herself uncomfortably closely beside Medic, eyeing up his novel as the German gave her a curious look in kind. A huff was heard from the other sofa. "Watch and learn tuts," Scout began, tossing the ball higher now, "I bet cha I can keep catching this ball." [C/N] reclined in her seat, her back pressing against the plush sofa as her focus was redirected. "Alright nerd."

He chuckled to himself as the ball started going higher and higher, until it abruptly stopped in mid-air. "What?" Scout exclaimed, dumbfounded by the magic that was occurring before him. The same ball then slammed into his face, giving the poor boy a black eye. As he howled in pain, Spy decloaked himself with a confident snort. "[C/N] must be quite impressed now." He said while adjusting his tie. Scout was having none of this, grabbing the ball from its position on his chest, he thrusted it towards the unsuspecting Frenchmen's head. As Spy took his turn to howl, Scout turned to Medic and [C/N] and gave them a smirk. "Oh, that's a skull fracture for sure."

[C/N], being the kind soul that she was, got up from her position on the couch and rushed over to take a look at Spy. Medic meanwhile turned and gave Scout an approving nod before taking a silent swig of his beer. As [C/N] observed her now unconscious teammate, she took satisfaction in feeling a pulse and let him lie. "Way to go slugger, you almost killed him." The young male peered over the back of the couch; his lips pursed as he muttered "The friggin' French fry had it comin'."

With a hefty sigh, [C/N] got up and brushed off her knees and stood upright. "I'm gonna go get him an icepack, don't do anything stupider while I'm gone." Scout gave a dismissive wave and slouched back onto the couch. "Got it babe."

"Okay, just gotta head to the med bay and get an icepack, simple as that." [C/N] mumbled, walking in the direction of the lockers. Along the way she spotted Pyro, adorning a familiar looking rubber glove over their masked visage. Pyro was giggling while wearing it, then waved at [C/N] as she came closer. "Oh hey Py, nice um, new hat." Pyro then posed in it, causing the female to snort. "Yes yes, you look ravishing. We'll chat later though; I have to get Spy an icepack." Such a response caused Pyro to tilt their head curiously. "Oh. Scout just slammed a ball to his temple, that's all." Satisfied with the response, Pyro began walking away as [C/N] approached the doorway leading to the lockers. There she saw Engineer with his head in his locker. His face was scrunched up and despite his goggles it was easy to tell that his brows were furrowed.

"Ah, you alright there, Techie?" [C/N] asked, peering over his shoulder to see what he was looking at, or for. Engineer gave a disgruntled groan and closed the doors. "I'm looking for my glove, the rubber one. That hides my gunslinger." He then pointed to said appendage to solidify his point. "I don't suppose you've seen it anywhere?" [C/N] thought for a moment, wasn't Pyro's new hat a glove? No, Pyro would never take something that wasn't theirs, it was likely the left one anyways. She shook her head and shrugged.

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