Motivation [Medic]

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[A/N]: Hey y'all, I'll be honest with ya I'm kinda in a funk right now and this story is kinda based on that funk. I'm thinking this'll help me get out of it (especially considering how lengthy this is) but I promise I'll try my best to post more regularly again as soon as I can! - Anyway, enjoy some cheesy Medic stuff. <3


Her form sunk deeper into the soft mesh of the lounge rooms sofa; [Class/Name]'s body was reminiscent of a slug as she sat there, unsure of what to do with herself. It was a ceasefire day, and usually [C/N] took those days to work on passion projects, but something about today just made her mind go numb. Perhaps it was the dark clouds that fluttered the once beautiful blue sky, or the knowledge that Demoman was cooking dinner tonight, or maybe – just maybe – it was that Medic hadn't spoken to her about the little love letter she had slide under his bedroom door a few days ago.

Confessing one's love for their teammate felt childish to her, but not in the negative sense. Butterflies filled her stomach as she poured her heart into the ink, every written word was heartfelt and pure. While Medic was – for a lack of better word – egotistic, he had feelings. He showed his kindness and appreciation for Heavy, the comradery he and Engineer had slowly developed over the years, and his undeniable love for his doves; who was to say he couldn't find room in his heart for [C/N]? The three days that had passed with radio silence, that's who.

Not a single word had been exchanged between the pair since that faithful Sunday evening, not even on the battlefield. Arguably, the German 'doctor' looked more cross than usual, and his stern expression leered whenever [C/N] was within range. This led [C/N] into a state of motivational-less motivation. She perched her bum wherever there was space and no men (or Pyro) around. For some people, solitude would be pleasant, but it was furthering [C/N]'s funk.

By this third day, the whole team noticed. While some remained indifferent by her outlandish behaviour – noting it could be 'somethin' a lady has or whateva". This explanation was unacceptable for Heavy and Engineer, the two who [C/N] had entrusted with the knowledge of her affection towards Medic. Seeing her lump of a body lazily disappear into the couch cushions was unacceptable to them, and they knew exactly what to do.

What [C/N] didn't know however, was that Medic reciprocated her feelings. Stubbornness and pride was what held him back. To be with someone might make him question his morality with regards to his experiments, and he simply could not have that. To distract himself, he buried those feelings deep down, contemplating doing brain surgery on himself just to remove the hormones causing those accursed desires. Ironically, Heavy and Engineer also knew of his situation, as Heavy had become Medic's confidant and Engineer was questioned on whether he was capable of brain surgery. The pair had talked in private and decided enough was enough. They devised a plan, they just needed [C/N] to have a little more motivation.

With thunderous steps, [C/N] was taken out of her pickled state as Heavy hoisted her up and over his shoulder. She let out a hefty sigh and hung her head in defeat. Normally when Heavy did this, she would playfully combat the giant with playful fists to his back.

"This ends now." Heavy stated, turning and marching towards the door.

"Heavy," [C/N] groaned. "Couldn't you see that I'm too busy being a potato to want to function like a normal human being?" Her words came out at a snail's pace, her tongue lingered on the word normal.

"[C/N], if Doktor's love is what you wish for, you must work harder for this." His tone was very matter of fact which irritated the irrational female mercenary. "I tried that; you see how he's been ignoring me." She put her hands on her face, laden with defeat. "Why'd I have to fall for a man like him?" Heavy gave her back a hearty, comforting pat. "I have plan for you."

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