0: A Trap Descends

Start from the beginning

Sex: Male

Grayfia: "It says this person died recently in a world similar to Earth. He appears to have a lot of power. It also says he came from an abusive home. Honestly, why do humans have to be so cruel to their own children?"

Sirzechs Lucifer places the paper on the ground. Then what appears to be a King Chess Piece on it.

Sirzechs: "This is the piece we used to try summoning the others. Do not fret. He will be on our side.........I hope."

Grayfia: 💢 "You hope?"

He then recites a special incantation. After about a minute, the circle glows and the piece disappears. Then he brings out an orb and throws it in. It was the final piece in the summoning.

Then, smoke surrounds the circle. They see a small figure in the center.

Sirzechs: "Huh? Odd, it said there the subject was male

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Sirzechs: "Huh? Odd, it said there the subject was male."

The young "girl" looks around.

Grayfia: "I believe that is a boy. Though, I have no idea why he is dressed as a shrine maiden."

Sirzechs: "Hello. My name is Sirzechs Lucifer."

Y/N: "You're joking, right?"

Sirzechs: "Hm?"

Y/N: "Is you name actually Lucifer? Bullshit."

Grayfia releases a sinister aura. You start shaking in fear.

Sirzechs: "Anyways. Yes, what I speak is the truth. I'm a Devil. Specifically, I'm one of the 4 Great Maou. I was told that you would be aware that you would be assisting the Supernatural."

Y/N: "Kinda. I mean, there was the possibility she was lying."

You start muttering a bunch of negative/paranoid stuff.

Sirzechs: "This may be rude, but are you a....boy?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I like cosplay. And I like to cross dress. Got a problem with it?"

Sirzechs: "Not at all."

Y/N: "Though, you could be lying. There's also a rather small chance you'll betray me."

You start muttering again.

Grayfia: "My King."

Sirzechs: "Yes?"

She shows him something on the paper. The Maou's eyes widen in disbelief.


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