"You had those too Piya, when you were a baby." Diana said. "They are the first kind of runes a moonlight witch could have. Her powers will emerge when she becomes about the same age that you gained your powers Piya. Oh and by the way, I brought angel her present." She pulled out the teddy bear that she showed us when we found out about the pregnancy. She handed it to me, and I showed it to angel, who was now putting up a fight to grasp the bear by its ears. She started crying due to a quick failure. I placed the bear in her grasp, which managed to pacify her.

"She's so cute Abhay."

"Just like her mother." I said, nuzzling her cheek. She blushed.

Everyone else came in and saw angel. Bhabhi was the most excited. She loved kids, and saw angel as her own daughter. Sid was happy on seeing her like this, it had been a while since she was this happy. Angel captured everyone's heart, even Dad's.

"What will you name her?" Sid asked. "Angel is only her nickname, right?"

"Right." I said. "I have thought of a name."

"What is it Abhay?!" Piya said, excitedly.

"Come here." I whispered it into her ear. She gasped in joy.

"That's a beautiful name." She said.

"What's is it?" Bhabhi asked. I signaled Piya to tell them.

"Aashna." She said. Everyone smiled in response. They had liked the name. "We can call her Aashi for short."

"Perfect for this little bundle of joy." Bhabhi came to her and kissed her small cheeks. She giggled. It was a wonderful sound.

"Do you like that Aashi?" Piya asked her. She touched Piya's arm and smiled.

"She told me she likes it." Piya said happily.

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby." Mom said. She caressed Aashi gently, who was now looking at mom curiously.

The three of us were soon left alone, as Aashi was feeling hungry and Piya had to feed her.

"Can I watch jaan?" I smirked. She gasped in shame.

"No at all." She stuck her tongue out at me mockingly, then shut the door in my face.

(Piya's POV)

Aashi was playing with the blanket as I took her to the rocking chair. She gazed curiously around the room, and at one point reaching out for the stuffed animals in the corner.

"Just wait Aashi. You can play with them soon." She looked at me and then continued to play with the blanket. I handled her carefully as I let her suckle at my nipple. It was an odd but enjoyable feeling. She sucked quickly in hunger but gently. Once she was finished, she snuggled deep into the blanket and slowly fell asleep. I rocked her in the chair, in a soothing rhythm. She tightly grasped my finger.

Abhay was sitting on the bed, working. Right when he saw us, he left everything he was doing and focused his attention on us. I gave Aashi to him.

"She's so beautiful." He whispered. I leaned against his shoulder.

"And I'm not?" I raised an eyebrow, teasing him.

"Of course you are jaan. I'm lucky to have the two most beautiful girls in the universe." He gave me a kiss.

Our lives were complete. Aashi had completed it. Days passed slowly, and our bond grew stronger. Especially Abhay's and her's. I watched in hiding whenever Abhay fed her blood, which was every three days. He watched her lovingly as she held and sucked at the bottle. He always managed to pacify her more quickly than I could, and took care of her every want. He was the best father to her.

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