Chapter 11

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(Abhay's POV)

"Abhay! How could you be so careless?" Mom said.

"Mom, I don't know what happened! I just lost complete control of myself."

"Maybe because you are too busy with that human girl to take care of yourself!" She yelled. "I told you that you should stay away from her."

I stayed silent, my hands balled up into fists. The anger welled up inside of me. I can't stay away from Piya, and I don't know why.

"Abhay! Are you listening to me?!"

I stormed off. Mom yelled after me.

"If you see that girl again, you will regret it."

(Piya's POV)

"Piya dear! There a call for you!" Kaka yelled.

"Coming!" Must be from one of the offices I applied to.

I rushed out and grabbed the phone.

"Hello, is this Piya Jaiswal?"


"I called to let you know that your application was reviewed and accepted. Your interview is scheduled for tomorrow."

I couldn't control my happiness.

"Yes, Thank you sooo much!" I hung up.

"Piya, what happened?" Maya asked.

"Maya, I got called for an interview!" I hugged her tightly.

"OMG! That's great news!"

"I know right!"

Maya went and told Kaka about it. He looked very happy.

"God bless you, dear." He said.

(Abhay's POV)

"Hello Abhay sir. There are some people coming in for an interview tomorrow, for the secretary post."

"So?" I said, coldly. The receptionist hesitated.

"So, you need to be at office tomorrow."

"Fine....I'll be there."

"Good night sir."

"Good night."

Sid was standing at the doorway. He didn't look happy.

"Abhay, I swear you need some anger management classes. You lose your temper really fast."

"I'm not mad."

"Oh really?" He said sarcastically. "And what was that scene downstairs?"

"I'm trying to live a normal life here, but Mom has an objection to that! What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Ok just calm down. You both have your points. Just forget about this incident and move on. Mom still loves you. She is simply worried about you."

Sid came and sat down next to me.

"And about the interviews, I'll handle them. I don't want you to end up eating someone just because of your anger. You can make the final decision on who should get the job."


(Piya's POV)

I paced around my room. An interview tomorrow! I felt nervous.

"Hey Piya, come here." Maya came

"What Maya?"

"I have something to tell you." She blushed.

"What is it?"

"I....I think I like Jeh." She turned away, smiling.

"Oooooooh....Maya likes someone." I teased.

"Stop it Piya! You're embarrassing me."

"Only a couple days and you've fallen in love, that's amazing."

I don't know why, but I felt jealous of Maya. She found someone so soon. I wonder when I will find the one for me.

Always and Forever (Abhiya Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz