Chapter 18

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(Abhay's POV)

I linked my arm with Piya's and kept her with me at all times. Mr. Dobriyal was giving her menacing looks. Piya couldn't help but look at him too. Her heartbeat raced once she looked into his eyes. I pulled her closer to me. No one could hurt her when I was with her.

(Piya's POV)

Misha stood in front of a ginormous chocolate cake. It was covered in icing and strawberries. She bent over the candles and blew them out one by one. She then took the knife and cut a small piece, feeding it to her mom and dad. I watched them adoringly, while remembering my own birthdays with my mom. I wiped a tear that formed in the corner of my eye. We all sang happy birthday to her. She ran up to us and gave us a bear hug.

"Happy birthday Misha!" We all said. She blushed.

Everyone branched after the cake cutting. I stayed with Abhay. I felt happier when I was with him. He took my hand and walked me over somewhere.

"Abhay....where are we going?"

"Introducing you to the rest of my family, you already know Sid." He said with a smile.

The Raichand's were standing near the staircase, talking to Mrs.Dobriyal. Sid turned and waved at me. I was worried about one thing though.....

"Don't worry Piya....they all are aware that you know our secret. No need to feel awkward." He said. I was surprised.

"How did you know I was worried about that?"

"I can read people's minds. All vampires have this power." He said.

We finally approached them. Sid spoke up first.

"Hi Piya. How are you?" He asked like a gentleman.

"I'm fine. And you?"

"Great." He smiled and embraced me.

"Piya, this is my mom." Abhay said.

"Very nice to meet you Piya." She shook my hand.

"Hey! What about me!?" Someone said.

"Sorry bhabhi. Piya, this is Shweta, Sid's wife."

"Hi." I said.

"So you're the Piya who Abhay has fallen for..." She said teasingly. I blushed.

"Stop it bhabhi." He said. I

"And your dad?"

"Dad is out of town. Business reasons. He'll be back in two days." Sid answered.

We talked for a few minutes, when suddenly their was a sound of a gunshot. Everyone ran for cover, rushing into the numerous rooms.

Abhay grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. I snuck a glance at the gunmen. There were three of them, each wearing a mask over their heads. Abhay took me into the master bedroom and locked the door behind us. He held me in his arms, watching the door. My heart was beating out of my chest. Abhay ran his hand over my hair.

"Calm down Piya. I would have killed them down there, but I couldn't risk being exposed."

"Why are they here?" I said, my voice trembling.

"I don't know. But I won't let them hurt you." His eyes changed color to a glowing dark blue. He sat me down on the bed and advanced towards the door.

"Abhay...please stay here." I pleaded, grabbing his hand.

"Shhhh." He came back and put his finger on my lips. "Nothing wil happen. Trust me."

I heard a thud against the door. I mangled the blanket underneath my fingers, preparing for the worst. The door was blown off the hinges, hitting Abhay and slamming him against the wall. He quickly recovered and prepared to attack. His fangs were completely exposed.

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