I heard a gate creak open, as they set me down on a cold, stone floor. The gate closed behind me.

"Ajay, let's go inform our lord. Sumeet, you make sure he doesn't escape." Footsteps walked away from me.

I slowly opened my eyes, scanning the surroundings. This Sumeet was patrolling the cell, occasionally taking glances at me. He was startled when he saw my eyes. Then he laughed.

"Why am I getting scared? You're trapped!" He laughed out loud. It echoed in the entire room.

I jumped to my feet and bared my fangs at him. I heard the footsteps again. My fury increased as I saw Arnab step in front of me. He sneered at me and laughed.

"Look who we have here? My daughter's boyfriend....very well done. You all will get rewarded for this." He cackled. "A moment please." He shooed them away.

He paced back and forth, shaking his head, mocking at my condition. I wanted to kill him then and there. But I was trapped for now. But escaping would be easy....the chains they bound me with were only steel ones. Breaking them would be a piece of cake.

"You must really love my daughter, coming here every night to save her.....too bad you couldn't." He snickered. "I'll just kill you both together."

"You won't lay a finger on her as long as I'm alive!" I snarled at him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? I already have." He laughed again. "Don't worry...she will be free from her misery soon."

I bared my fangs at him, while he laughed on. His cronies came back.

"Ajay, Rajveer, you two come with me. We need to concoct the binding spell somewhere else. It is too dangerous here. Sumeet, you keep an eye on him." He nodded, and soon we were left alone here.

I waited for the right moment, breaking the chains easily while his back was turned. I dropped them to the floor. He saw this, and began to back away slowly. I pushed the iron bars open and stepped out of the cell. I grabbed his throat and pushed him against the wall. I began to compel him.

"Fetch me one of those robes you wear, oh and the keys to Piya's cell." I said hypnotically. He nodded in compliance. He retrieved those items quickly.

"And keep everyone away from this cell...until I return." I said. He nodded.

I slipped the robe on. It was a deep red and it had a hood. I would find her cell on my own. I didn't need Sumeet to lead me there. Her description was enough to find her. She had mentioned that there was a loud crashing sound just above her cell. That meant right under the waterfall. The back of the place had that same sound, and there was only one room there. I touched the door lightly with my hand. She was right behind them. I stuck the keys into the lock and walked inside. And there she was, my Piya, hanging off the back wall in chains, her face was showing all signs of weakness. She managed to look up, and an expression of fear contorted her face. I pushed the door shut behind her.

"Go away!" She yelled with all her strength. I ran to her and removed my hood. In the few moments it took her to realize it was me, I unlocked her restraints and laid her on my lap on the floor.

"Relax jaan....it's just me."

"Abhay.....I knew you would save me. I knew it!" She cried. I kissed her forehead gently. She looked really fragile. I looked at her ankles and wrists. The chains had cut into them ruthlessly. I healed them each with caution, avoiding the urge to drink from her. But she still looked weak.

"Piya.....what did he do to you?" I asked, my voice on edge.

"Snakes....he manifested some snakes...and one bit me." She said. "Instead of killing me, the poison is making me weak." She paused to take a breath. "It hurts Abhay."

"Shhhh..." I wiped some tears from her eyes. They had lost their blazing color, reflecting only fear and pain. "I will fix that."

My venom could cancel the effects of the snake poison. That meant I needed to bite her. I changed my position so that I was cradling her in my arms.

"Relax jaan....this will hurt...but only for a while." I told her. I buried my face in her neck, letting my fangs extend. I located her vein and bit down into it, injecting my venom into her system. She tensed up, her body not being able to handle any more pain. But the poison had spread throughout her entire body. I needed to get rid of it all. I healed the bite from her neck and bit into her wrist as well. Soon she began to relax. The glow was returning to her skin.

"Where did the snake get you?" I asked.

"Somewhere near my ankle." She breathed heavily.

I propped her up against the wall, moving the cloth of her dress to reveal her ankle. It was swollen and the scar from the snake bite was bleeding a little. She winced in pain as I bit her there as well. I drained some of her poisoned blood and replaced it with my venom as much as I could. I healed that bite as well. Her breathing was heavy, but she was regaining her strength again.

"You will be fine jaan. I promise." She smiled a little.

"Please take me away now Abhay." She pleaded. "I'm scared of this place."

"Not now jaan. I want to take you now as well, but it would be too dangerous now. I want to destroy this problem from its roots. But I will come back soon"


"Do you have any doubts?" She shook her head. I smiled a little. "Promise." I kissed her forehead.

I hated to do it, but I had to chain her up again. No one could notice that I had come here.

"It's okay Abhay. Do what you have to." She said assuringly. "I know you mean no harm." I placed the chains on her again, hating myself while doing it. I gave her a kiss on her cheek, and I left from there.

Sumeet was standing there as I left him. I decided to take advantage of Arnab's absence and find that staff. Once that was destroyed, nothing could stop us from overpowering him. I walked into the main parts of the building, no one was in sight. I pushed open doors and checked all around. Nothing. Angered, I went back to the cell, fixing the surroundings to as they were when I came here.

I connected with Dad and told him about the situation.

*Dad, I found Piya....but the staff Arnab uses to control the werewolves....I couldn't find.*

He answered shortly.

*Don't worry about that Abhay. We have met with them and Samarth showed them how they are being used. They are angry with Arnab as well and want revenge. They have joined our side. The witches are using a protection spell on them so that Arnab won't be able to control them.* He paused. *Are you okay son?*

*I'm fine dad.* I assured.

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