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"Stiles, I don't want to hear about your Lydia plan again!" I yelled, pulling my backpack on a little tighter. "Please, I have to go talk to my English teacher before class starts."

Stiles stuttered, hands waving slightly before he saw Scott. I swear his attention span was one of a toddler's. I quickly shook my head before scurrying into the halls and to the classroom.

When the bell rang, I got my notebooks out and tried to follow along with the class. This year was an important year for me. I had a plan and this year would be the pivotal point for me. Finish high school early, get a scholarship award, go to the best college I can and then medical school.

"Thanks" a girl whispered next to me, taking a pen from Scott. She glanced my way, offering a small smile before going back to her notebook.

I didn't think much of it until a girl was asking about it in the halls.

"Because she's hot?" Stiles offered, earning a small smack from me. "Beautiful people herd together."

Scott zoned out, staring at the new girl as she's whisked away with Lydia and Jackson. "You're staring, Scott."

"Right, sorry." His cheeks began to heat up with embarrassment. "Hope you didn't get into too much trouble last night."

"No, not at all. All good for you?" I asked as Stiles moved me to the side by my shoulders. Scott gave me a nod, waving my question off. "Right, good then. I'll see you at tryouts."

"You're coming?"

"Yeah. First day means no homework so..." I say, walking backwards and towards the field. "I'll be cheering you on Scott. Not you Stiles."

I walk towards my locker, emptying my things before making my way to the benches on the field. Coach is throwing something at Scott when I take a seat, Lydia and the new girl taking a seat behind me.

"Who's that?"

"I'm not sure. Why?" Lydia responds and I roll my eyes. I always hated the social hierarchies that society created, and she was type A. All surface level, nothing more.

"He's in my English class." She muttered back, obviously looking at Scott. Lydia let out a small 'hmph' before tapping me on the shoulder.

"You. Do you know who he is?"

My anxiety spiked. I glanced towards Stiles, who was splitting his attention towards my interaction and Scott somehow blocking shots. He widened his eyes, as if telling me to do something before yelling a "yeah" to Scott. I sighed before answering. "His name is Scott."

"Is he your little boyfriend or something?" Lydia asked, her tone demeaning. It made my anxiety rise more but I swallowed it.

"What makes you think that?"

"You were making googly eyes at him earlier."

"No, he's a family friend." I muttered turning back around to look at Scott somehow catch another shot. I clapped, cheering him on.

"Well it looks like he's good." The girl spoke up and Lydia agreed. I felt another tap on my shoulder and I turned with raised eyebrows. "I'm Allison."

"Nina." I reached out my hand for her to shake. She gave a small laugh before shaking it. I mentally berated myself for being so formal. Teenagers don't do that. "Sorry. I was in English too."

Lydia abruptly stood up, cheering for Scott who had just blocked Jackson's ball. He glared at her and she quickly brushed it off and looked at me. "Are you new too?"

"No, I was a year below you for a bit but I did summer school to catch up." She pursed her lips, analyzing my face. Oh gosh.

"Your skin is really clear. I think if you framed your face a little more you'd look pretty." Lydia said, and though her tone was nice it didn't feel like it.

"I think you're really pretty." Allison offered, sparing a sympathetic smile. I smiled back before turning to watch the tryouts again.


"I really don't want to walk in the woods again, Stiles." I whine as he pulls me by my wrist.

"You said you have no homework and we have to find Scott's inhaler. Now shut up the adults are talking." His grip on my wrist only tightened as Scott continued, talking about his heightened senses.

"Nina, what do you think?" Stiles said, both of the boys turning their attention towards me. "You think Scott's a werewolf?"

"I uh-" I looked at Scott who only nodded. "I think logically. And logically, lycanthropy is extremely unrealistic. However, if something weird is happening to Scott I'm not going to discredit it."

"What the hell are you two doing? This is private property." A voice from behind me said, causing my heart to practically jump out of my chest. I turned around and Stiles pulled me back towards him.

"That's Derek Hale." He muttered as an explanation.

"Sorry we didn't know. We were just looking for something." Scott said. I stared slightly at the man in front of us, his features straight and body stiff as he tossed the inhaler. The leather jacket hugged his body and I couldn't help but feel attracted to him.

Attractive people wear leather jackets. Got it.

"Come on Nina." Stiles pulled me along back through the woods. But I couldn't get my mind off of Derek. His presence was dangerous, and I didn't like him specifically per say, but his energy was attractive. I wanted the presence he had.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only a few years older than us."

"Remember what?"

"His family. They all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago. I remember the cops pulling him out of class to tell him."

"I wonder what he's doing back."

I don't know. But I don't think we want to find out.

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