Chapter 6

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Heather's P. O. V

I changed into new clothes after taking a bath, grabbed a sweatshirt, and headed downstairs where Liam was waiting for me. Proceeding into the kitchen, I found mom wasn't there so I left Liam seated in the living room while I went looking for her.

"Hey, Saige, where's mah?" I asked my sister
"Donno check her room, she received a phone call and I think it's serious," do you know who called? I asked her curiously. "Nop," Saige said popping the "p". I went in the direction of Mom's bedroom and found the door open so I entered.

I found mom packing, she received a call earlier from one of my aunties who was involved in a terrible car accident so she was going to help take care of her and since Saige and I were on mid-term break, we could manage two weeks without her around. I felt bad about the unfortunate occurrence and seeing my mother in such a dilemma just added more pain to my troubled heart.

 Kissing her bye and wishing her a safe trip I head to the living room where I had left Liam and Saige. Quite expected those two hardly acknowledged each other's presence, I explained to Saige what mom had told me and her face turned pale when she realized which aunt was involved in an accident but I quickly assured her that she was still alive but fighting for her life. Saige hugged me and I hugged her back, despite her tough appearance my twin sister never knew how to handle emotional situations like these. After some time, she relaxed and went to Mom's bedroom.

Liam and I decided we'd wait for mom to go first and ensure Saige had a grip on herself before we went to where he wanted to take me. We all helped Mom pack up her luggage and necessities in the car before hugging her and waving her goodbye. Watching as the car drove off, I turned to look at Saige who was not as distorted as before, I told her about my plans with Liam, and she ordered me to make sure I got back on time. Waving her off I got into Liam's car and we started off.


The first stop was the drug store where we got some medicine for my flu because I had left the ones I had at home, I also got some tissues and we headed for the food store. Getting everything we needed, Liam and I started what he said was our first real date and road trip. A surprise date, he said.

We drove for an hour talking about different things and planning our future together. I decided we video call Raven, we would have been on the trip with her but she, unfortunately, was on holiday at her grandmother's farmhouse, so we called her. She answered in seconds screaming and jumping, saying she thought we had forgotten about her. Talking for over 30 minutes Raven finally cut the call from her end because her phone was almost shutting down. We stopped at a gas station, and Liam got the car filled while I went to use the restroom, I came back feeling tired from sitting in the car for a long time and asked where our destination was and how far we were from there.

"It's a surprise Mi Tesoro, and we are almost there." I sighed and decided to take a nap.
"Tesoro, Tesoro, Mi Tesoro...!" I woke up to Liam shouting "my treasure" in my ear ever so loudly. I glared at him and yawned like a crazy person before remembering who I was with, Liam just chuckled and said, "I suppose that means you had a good sleep." Are we here yet? I asked him lazily
and he said yes, we are here. Finally!

Entering the abnormally large building, I instantly knew where we were from all the art pieces that were hanging on the walls. I heard about this place and the once-in-a-year art gallery but I never had hope of ever being here because it was strictly by invitation. I kissed my mate, while I just barely managed to contain myself, the room we were in was huge with a high white ceiling, white floor, and walls. The walls were covered in different types of art from traditional art, watercolor illustrations, street art, graffiti, and even tattoo illustrations. I didn't know where to start from, where to look or what to say. There were a number of people but all looking just as stunned as I was by the artist's glory in front of our eyes.

I studied every piece of artwork on almost each and every canvas, making sure to take as many pictures as I could. I loved everything but most especially I loved Liam, I felt like I was walking on sunshine looking at him felt like taking a sip of eternity. I looked into his piercing blue eyes, his perfect smile and I couldn't help but feel blessed.

After exhausting myself with the artworks, Liam probably noticed that I was tired, so he leads me to the eating place that was just behind the art gallery. I ordered a cheeseburger, some french fries, and a milkshake while Liam just got water, his diet was unusual and strange, the only thing I ever saw him eating was ice cream. The rest of the time he barely touched any meal he was served, it was like he had specific things he ate and whenever I asked he said he just preferred homemade food, so I often left it at that.

After finishing up with my meal, we walked to the car and I noticed it was getting a bit late in the afternoon. "You look so good when you are happy, Mi Tesoro," Liam whispered in my ear. "Am happy because you always make me feel loved and tressured," I replied. cupping my chicks in his hands, Liam leaned in and kissed me, we kissed and savored the taste of each other. "Let's go princess we can do this another time, it's getting late and we don't want to make Saige angry now, do we?" I chuckle at Liam's dry humor towards Saige, she wasn't his favorite person after all.

We started moving while music played, enjoying each other's company. I dialed Saige's line to tell her that I had started off before she reported me as a missing person.

"I've noticed things between you and Saige have gotten smooth," Liam said while glancing at me. Yes, actually things are really good since the party to be precise. I guess we both had a role to play you know. We are sisters and we should always stick together, she's not perfect but she's my sister and I love her.

He smiled at me and nodded his head in agreement then said, "I think when the right time comes you two need to talk, it might seem unnecessary but it's important. It shouldn't be now but one day do it just to clear the air. I grinned at my wise mate with pride feeling my chest and Saige finally answerd the phone.

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