"Honey," Josh started as calm as his nerves would let him at that moment. "How about we take a break and look tomorrow?" Although the death stare, Maya shot at her husband immediately shut him up. Apparently, she didn't like his suggestion, at all.

"Josh!" he suddenly heard out of their kitchen. His wife walked into the living room, balancing their little daughter of two years on her hip with her arms tightly wrapped around her.

"Yes, dear?" He smiled upon seeing his wife and their daughter together. It still warmed his heart and it would probably never stop.

"I forgot something in my studio," she started as she sat down next to her husband. "I need to leave you and Grace alone for a while," Maya said as she placed Grace onto her father's legs. "That's okay?"

For a while, he just smiled at his wife. He still couldn't believe this was his life now. Slowly he leaned in and kissed her soundly, "No problem at all."

"Thank you," she said softly, gazing into his eyes with that same look of admiration she had all those years ago. Though nowadays he was finally able to read what had always been written into the stars for them. "Don't forget to get Gabriel out of the Kindergarten in an hour," Maya reminded him while getting up and grabbing her car keys from the wooden table in their living room.

"You really want this table?" Josh had asked her for the tenth time now. He and Maya had been walking through the furniture store for a few hours already, trying to find some furniture for their living room.

"Not sure," she told him while squinting at the small table in front of them. "It looks nice," she started and Josh already knew what was coming next, "but I'm not sure if it's the right one," both finished at the same time. Maya glared at her husband but he just smiled tiredly at her which earned him an eye roll and the silent treatment for the next ten minutes.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled after her but his wife ignored him, walking through the many aisles instead and never looked back at him, paying his pouting and whining no mind.

"'Bye!" Maya yelled as she opened their white front door.

"Love you!" Josh quickly yelled back, smiling because it felt so natural to say these words.

"Love you more!" the blonde retorted with amusement in her voice and before her husband could protest 'Not true, I love you way more!' like he always did, she closed the door and laughed on her way to her car.

"Love you, daddy!" Grace grinned up at her father and the sight made Josh's heart melt.

"Your mother planned all this, didn't she?" Josh mumbled to himself as he hugged his daughter with the most loving expression in his eyes.

"He's gonna hate me," a deeply concerned Maya Hunter nearly yelled into her mobile phone. "He's gonna hate me and then he'll leave." She was on the verge of tears and already felt the crack in her voice.

"Maya, calm down." Riley knew it wouldn't change anything but she tried it nevertheless. "He's not going to leave you."

"No?!" This time the blonde did yell at her best friend and anxiously glanced at the clock hanging above the bedroom door. Her heart started to thump even faster and she couldn't stop her body from shaking. "Riley, I don't think I can do this."

"You can, Peaches." The brunette smiled with the words she said and Maya hated how she was able to tell her friend was smiling. "You can and you will. No one's leaving you, we're all here for you and you'll never be alone."

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