Josh had managed to get the best grade out of his entire class. But as he saw the excitement in Maya's eyes after sharing the great news, he didn't have the heart to tell her about his victory. Instead, he kept quiet and celebrated with his little Ferret.

She always gave so much but received only so little.

Josh wanted to change that and to make sure Maya got all the love she deserved, for the rest of her life. Maybe it was because she helped everyone to achieve their goals, to stay on the right track despite not knowing which way to go herself.

"Is there even a way for me?" her small voice almost went unheard and faded into nothingness, although he sat right beside her. She came onto the campus, crying and completely lost. Maya knew his favorite spots at college so it was easy for her to find him in record time.

There was a small spot in-between two huge trees where he loved to study when the sun was shining down and providing enough warmth for him to just sit there in a T-Shirt, no jacket needed.

It also could have been because of every single picture she drew in her art class, in her room, or his dorm room. The way she created so many different worlds - colorful or black and white - it didn't matter. They were her worlds, so they were special. To him anyway.

"Boing, what do you think?" Her sweet voice had questioned him one Friday afternoon. Maya sat on his bed while he finished an essay due the following week.

"It's beautiful," he answered while keeping his eyes on his laptop.

"Booooing, you didn't even look!" She had pouted playfully and stood next to him all of the sudden. He turned his head with a deep sigh and almost bumped against her chin. She really was small.

Maya may have been small but it only made their hugs so much better than any other ones they've received. Josh always tried to hug her as long as he could, knowing very well Maya did the same.

"Your hugs just... They are the highlight of my day," the blonde told him with a shy smile on her face. "Whenever you put your arms around me I just know everything is going to be okay."

He knew he would never forget this moment.

He was right, as always, Maya would have added with a roll of her eyes and a sweet smile playing on her lips.

Josh chuckled to himself as Maya's voice told him just that in his head.

As the blonde moved gracefully in-between the crowd of familiar faces and voices he was reminded of one faithful night, where something shifted in their relationship.

Maya had tried to get to him so many times already but was always stopped by someone she knew. They all wanted to talk to the blonde who seemed to be more annoyed the longer people took their time with asking questions. Maya just wanted to go to Josh, but it seemed like whenever they locked eyes with each other someone noticed and pulled her aside quickly. As she finally did manage to reach him, she interlocked their hands and ignored everyone who tried to start a conversation with her. At that moment it was just her and Josh, as it should be.

"You promised to dance with me!" Maya reminded him with her big, sad puppy-eyes. He did promise her, he knew that. Still, he loved to fight with her, to see this fire burning in her eyes where usually a storm raged.

"Stop using your puppy-eyes on me," he smiled down at her. Despite the high heels she was wearing he was still taller than her.

"Why? Because you want me to?" She had responded, grinning at him with laughter sparkling in her eyes. Josh couldn't stop the chuckle escaping his lungs as she eagerly pulled him with her onto the dance floor. His hands found her waist on their own while she got comfortable in his arms with her hands gently resting behind his neck. "See? You're not so bad at dancing," she shrugged with one shoulder, smiling sheepishly at him. Josh had playfully scoffed at her but didn't say anything else. He was busy getting lost in her eyes, her world.

"Hey," her soft voice made its way into his ears and straight to his heart. "Dance with me?" She asked with that sweet voice of hers, intertwining their hands just like she did all those years ago.

"Anything for you, Ferret."

And it felt as though they were back in this moment.

The moment that had changed anything for them though back then they couldn't have known which huge impact it would have on their lives. This time it was Josh who pulled Maya onto the dancefloor and the couple felt all eyes on them.

The only difference; everyone smiled happily and watched with pure admiration how they started dancing. It was like watching these two young hearts falling in love with each other all over again.

Her delicate white dress flowed to the soft beat of the song along the floor. A few strains of her blond waves had escaped the elegant half updo and framed her small face. Her eyes twinkled with pure love aimed at him and Josh could feel himself sinking into the ocean her blue eyes provided. Once again he got lost in them and he never wanted to leave.

Her usual blustery eyes were now a peaceful sea.

No waves came crashing down. She was safe and carefully tucked into his heart. She could feel it beating underneath her head where she had nuzzled her face into his chest. It was just like all those years ago.

This time they danced closer with each other though.

This time it was forever.

"I'm telling you, I'm gonna be Maya Matthews one day, Boing, and that's a promise!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm holding you to that, Ferret!"

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