5. jealousy

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no warnings

pov: this is before u and madison started dating

its morning you wake up and check the time which reads 10:15 am.  you sigh and go back to sleep. 

*time skip*


you hear ur phone ring u groan and turn around u see its a text from your bff madison.

"hey y/n, olivia is throwing a party tonight since her parents are out of town. she said i could bring a special person....so what do ya say?" 

your heart melts that she's asking YOU to be the special person. you and madison have been friends for a really long time. you've gotten to know her so well that u even caught feelings for her,  but u havent mentioned it to her since u dont want to ruin ur strong friendship and ur afraid that she might not like u back. 

u shoot her a text "sure. i'll be ur 'special person' 😏".

 just after a few mins  she texts u back "stfu silly, k i'll text u the deets i'll pick u up at 7".

*time skip*

you're getting ready and u hear ur phone ring u look and see madisons id you pick up.


"hi y/n, im just out come down whenever ur ready"

"thanks mads on my way"

you hang up quickly do the last touches on ur makeup and head down stairs. u see madison in her car waiting for u. u open the passenger door and take ur seat. u feel a dead stare towards u but u dont bother to look once u clip ur seat belt in  and then u look at madison and ur jaw drops she looks so beautiful u cant take ur eyes off of her. she giggles

"hey sexy" she greets u which makes u blush. she giggles again.

"k ready to go?" she asks u nod and then she shifts the gear to drive slowly backing out of the drive way. 

*time skip* (because im so lazy)

u arrive at the party. olivia walks towards u and madison. she hugs madison and kisses her on the cheek which makes u angry but u control urself. then she handshakes u saying "glad u could make it y/n/n" u want to gag in disgust but u dont. see olivia and u always hated each other from the beginning. u never seemed to get along and she was only ever nice to u when madison (aka her crush 🤮) was ever around. she had the hugest crush on her and tried whatever she could to get her alone but lucky for u, madison and u had a very strong bond you'd never let each other out of ur sight. it made her angry that u two were so clingy.

madison looks at u and smiles. she takes ur hand and firmly squeezes it "we're gonna have fun i promise"

u pass her a reassuring smile and nod. the night goes by and ur having fun u even met some of ur other friends there that u keep talking to while madison is with her friend group and they have been drinking a lot they're definitely drunk by now. 

brooke (a person from ur friend group)  nudges u calling u by ur nickname which only mads uses to tease u but u hate it a lot. "brooke stop i dont like that" you say strictly

"oh yes im so sorry to use the name that ur lover calls u"

"lover? what lover?" 

"um madison? arent u guys like a...thing?"

"stop brooke of course not we're just friends"

"mhm 'friends'" she mimics.

you shake it off u turn around to see what madisons doing. when u turn around ur jaw drops open. you see olivia all over her touching her body while madison sits in her lap. there both drunk and anything can happen. u slam ur drink down and u walk towards them.

"hey y/n" madison says as you approach her. but u dont respond.

olivia starts placing slight kisses on her neck. you take madisons hand and pull her out of her grip.

"come on mads we gotta go" you say softly, olivia rolls her eyes.

"UGHH y/n stop being such pussy and let us enjoy our time." you walk up to her and push her off her chair.

madison looks at u in shock.

"lets go" u say. she takes ur hand and u both walk to the car. she gets in the drivers seat but doesnt talk to u. u look a her.

"hey im sorry about what happened there i- *sigh* the truth is i love you like a lot. and i've been feeling this way forever now and i just ugh and i didnt know how to tell you and the way olivia treats u just makes me beyond jealous" you confess but she doesnt say anything

"madison look i-"ur abt to talk but get interupted by her warm soft lips against urs.

ur shocked at first but then u realize she wants u to kiss back. so ur hand runs through her hair. u share ur tongue with her making her moan. then she pulls away

" i love u y/n" she whispers in ur and then takes her seat. ur left in shock.  she looks at u and giggles "dont think i cling onto u for no reason i have the BIGGEST crush on u" she confesses as well.

"so?..." u say.


"will you?"

"will you be mine?"

"your what? "

" my girlfriend..."

"oh silly i was always urs even i we werent together we were still way to close to be just friends"

this makes u smile.

"i love you so fucking im so glad i can call u mine"

she giggles

"same here u have no idea"

u two go in for another kiss ,drive home, and cuddle till u fall asleep in each others arms.

Madison Beer Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن