9. scary movies

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no warnings

You're on the couch waiting for Madison to come show up from work. You scroll through your phone until you hear keys and notice exactly who it is. You place your phone on the coffee table and run towards the door. The door opens.

"hi babe, im ho –'

You don't even let her finish and strangle her into the biggest hug ever causing the brunette to collapse. she giggles.

"missed me that much huh?" she says as she slowly starts to wrap her arms around you. still on the floor , you laugh a bit embarrassed, you get up an hold out you hand to help her up as well. she stands up and puts her shoes in the closet by the door. then she looks over at you. she walks closer and takes u by your waist as your arms crawl up and around her neck you intertwine your fingers at the back. 

"how was your day?"  you ask which causes a small grin to spread across her face.

"erm very....tiring and it could've been better i guess..."

you frown a little at that,  you hated to hear that she had a bad day it hurt you more than anything. you wanted her to be happy at all times. she takes her palm and puts it against your cheek. you melting into her touch.

"but u made it that much better" she says trying to make you feel better.she smiled you're favorite smile.

you gave her a small kiss on her lips.

"just always be happy my sweet girl, i love seeing you smile. it's so contagious and my serotonin."

she can't help but kiss you again at your thoughtfulness and care.

"i'll do what i can for u"

you giggled as she scooped you in her arms in a swift motion. 

"so what does my baby wanna do today?" she asks

"i dont know erm...shall we watch a movie?"

madison's face lights up at the thought

"yes, yes, yes lemme go get freshened up"

you smile and place a small kiss  to her lips. she kisses you once more then your nose and shoots upstairs.

you go turn on the t.v. and put netflix on after picking up a few snacks, popping some popcorn, and gather a few pillows and blankets to keep you comfy. once everything is set u turn around and see madison coming down. she wearing a  pair of mini shorts and a hoodie a little too long on her. she has hair down in beach waves just how u like it. she also has her makeup removed you find her extremely sexy and cute . a smirk spreads across her face when she notices your jaw hanging open. 

"babe, stop! you dont wanna catch flies now do  you?" 

as she finishes her sentence a  huge blush covers ur cheeks and you look away. she giggles walking closer. the sound giving u intense butterflies.

"you're so cute"

"and ur turning me on beer, fuck you" you mumble under your breath but she hears you

she laughs "well now u know what it feels like"

you roll your eyes. 

"now may we watch the movie please?"  well that is if i can keep my eyes off of you 

she giggles "mhm we can" she says as she goes to lay down on the couch and cover herself in some blankets.

you go sit beside her and do the same. you let Madison choose the movie. 

"hey, baby what about this one?" 

you put your phone aside and look.

"Oh! i think the fuck not! you know i hate scary movies"

she looks up at you with pleading eyes.

"i know but it doesnt look THAT scary"

you shake you ur head 'no way'

"please" madison pouts

you can't resist so you agree

.                 .                  .

it's not even halfway through the  movie yet and your already scared as fuck. you look over at madison who seems very into the movie and you dont wanna ruin it for her, you decide to keep watching regardless of how you felt. suddenly a clown pops up on the screen and causes you to scream your lungs out. ur knees come up and u bury your face in them sobbing without control. madison notices

"babe? are you ok?" a frown spreads across her face.

"not to shabby thanks for asking" you say sarcastically in between sobs.

madison pulls you into her lap. you wrap your hands around her neck sobbing into her shoulder. she soothes with one hand rubbing your back gently.

"shhh baby it's ok im here i wont let anything hurt you"

you pull her closer holding onto her for dear life. after a while when your tears stop and your heart beat returns to normal...

"im sorry"you say while she gazes down a confused expression across her face. "i didnt wanna ruin it for you"

after she finally gets what you're saying... "oh baby! you didnt ruin anything. you should have told me you were scared we could have watched a comedy instead"

she places a loving kiss onto your lips. which makes u smile. 

"so what shall we do?" she asks

your face forms a calculating expression.

"lets finish the movie" 

she becomes worried.

"are you sure?"

"mhm" you nod even tho the answer is no.

" ok then" 

she opens her arms and u gladly crawl into them. she pulls the covers on top of the both of you and presses play the movie once again. your stomach clenches and you regret your decision immediately. she notices and pulls you in tighter letting you know that she's there to keep you safe. your fingers lace with hers as she places a few kisses to your hair here and there. the clown shows up again and u can't take it so  you turn around  and face madison she doesnt notice because she's too into the movie but she keeps carressing your thigh as she was before to comfort you. you look up at her studying all of her beautiful features. you play with a loose strand of her hair. after a little while when the scary parts are finished and the movie is coming to an end you decide to watch it. it finishes too quickly but u remember u practically skipped half of it.  mads shuts off the tv .. you turn around and look at her . she smiles at how cute you look. you carress her cheek lightly.

" i really do love u so" you say, your voice so quiet it's almost a whisper. she straddles you on top of her and looks into your mesmerizing eyes.

" i love you too my brave girl" she replies as she leans down to give you a love filled kiss. 

you melt into it. you kissed again and again until your lips turned red and swollen. you never wanted this moment to end.

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