"--is like a wildfire, burning everything in its path." Hope completed the thought, quoting from the Writings.

Celeste smiled. "So you know the writings well?"

"Dad made us study them, almost every day. I practically have them memorized."

Hope froze as a realization came over her. Dad had prepared me for this path.

"Good for him." Celeste said. "There is something else that I need to tell you before we arrive at Elysium. You have a special power because of your genetics. Buried deep in the core programming code of every advanced AI is a provision where an Empress may take override control. As a direct genetic descendent of Empress Iona, you also have this ability."

Hope's eyes widened. Most large systems are AI driven. This is powerful.

Celeste lowered her voice. "It is a verbal command followed by genetic confirmation. Memorize this: Sol override, code sigma-omicron-lambda."

Hope nodded. "Okay. Simple enough."

"Then the AI will ask for a genetic scan, which you can do on any connected biometric scanner."

"So, theoretically, I could take over a starship or even a planetary defense system?"

Celeste nodded. "Yes. But keep this ability a secret. Few Priestess' even know about it, much less the public. Normally, a Sol Empress would not need to use it, Iona did only once. But these are not normal times, it may become a great advantage for you."

With a hand to her chin, Hope said, "Database file systems are generally AI driven. Would I be able to hack into these?"

"I suppose so." Celeste replied, lifting one eyebrow. "What are you thinking?"

A sly grin eked onto Hope's face. "Now I know how to bring down the Trade Consortium."


Hope sat alone in the galley, shifting a mug between her hands. The tea had already cooled with only a single sip taken. It didn't go well with the fluttery feeling in her stomach.

The idle time was the hardest part. The Firebird Rise remained in parking orbit around the smallest of Elysium's moons, waiting for Liam Glynn's ship, the Amadi, to arrive.

Why can't we get on with this?

Hope pushed the mug away and stood up, then sat down again, running a hand through her long hair. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. It didn't work.

"You look as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."

Hope turned to see Gabriel leaning against the door frame with his characteristic smug grin. She rolled her eyes. "Thanks, that really helps me feel better."

"How 'bout we spar? A good ass-kicking by your brother might get your mind off this Empress stuff for a while."

"As if!" Hope narrowed her eyes, standing up close to Gabriel. She did her best to be intimidating, but having to look up into his eyes, it lost some of the effect.

Moon's children received Krav Maga martial art training starting at a young age. Initially, Hope and Gabriel were evenly matched, but in their early teens, when Hope did not match Gabriel's growth spurt, her brother began to dominate. Despite many motivational sayings, size and strength were distinct advantages.

An empty cargo bay became the sparring ring. Hope tied her hair back, then slid padded gloves, chest protectors over her leggings and tank-top. A padded helmet protected her head and face. They met in the center.

The Line of the Sol EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now