Chapter 1

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17 years ago...
(Piya's POV)

Darkness. Only darkness. Where am I? I turned my head, trying to get familiar to my surroundings. Nothing appeared. My hand felt a soft satin underneath them. I flinched. My hands ran across the small area. I was trapped in the small space. Was I in some kind of box?! I banged on the top as hard as I could. No one came to help me. Then I heard voices.

"She's waking up."
"Don't worry, she will faint when she loses oxygen in there."

They were the voices of two men. What are they doing to me?! I banged on the box even harder. My hand had bruises, but I kept hitting the box. Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Let's take the girl to some forest and bury her there. No one will ever know what happened to her."

"No! No, please let me out!" I screamed as loud as I could. A large bang hit the side.

"Shut up!"

The box started to move. It swayed back and forth, then was thrown on something hard. My head hit the side. I felt dizzy.

"Seems like she's unconcious again."

"Good. We can finish our job without interruption."

Nothing moved for the next 15 minutes. Then the box slid forward, and became idle again. My head hurt even more.

"Go get the shovel, we will bury her here." I panicked, now breathing heavily.

"Mommmmy." I said, dazed. I missed her the most right now. I needed her.

I could hear the dirt slamming against the box. One of the men moved it and dropped it into a pit of some sort. I managed to let out a scream, maybe someone would hear me. I got thrown around the box and hit my head in multiple places. My vision went black, and eventually the whole world went dark.

(Abhay's POV)

I heard a faint scream in the distance. Something was wrong. I threw my coat and files into the car. I ran in the direction of the sound, eventually finding two shady men, burying a large antique box. I hid and listened to their conversation.

"Our job is done. Sir will be pleased."

"Yes, this girl was his biggest obstacle. We got rid of her."

"I wonder what our reward will be."

"Something beyond our wildest dreams."

These men just buried someone alive! Disgusting humans! I needed to do something.

"Go and see if the coast is clear. We will see Sir shortly."

Now was my chance....these guys don't deserve to live. I snuck up behind one of them and sunk my fangs into his neck. His blood was warm and sweet. I drained him dry, and dragged his body over to where his friend was.

"Ok, the coast is cle..." He paused, staring blankly at his friend's body. He slowly looked up, terrified.

" do to him?!"

"He paid for his crimes. Now it's your turn." I flashed my fangs at him. He began to back away slowly, but I was too fast for him. I put him in a headlock and snapped his neck in two. He slumped to the ground.

"Now I need to get that girl out of there."

I rushed over to the area where she was left. I dug down as fast as I could.

I finally hit the box. I pulled it out and broke the lock and chains. There was a little girl inside, about seven or eight. She had bruises on her head and hands and was unconscious. I took her out and lied her on my lap. I healed her injuries but she still wouldn't wake up. Where do I take her? I don't even know who she is.

I wandered through the area with her in my arms. Even unconscious, she looked scared and upset. There was a building nearby. I went closer to it and found it to be an orphanage. I think I should leave her here, no one can hurt her here. I carried her up the steps and laid her down gently on the bench on the patio. I knocked on the door and left. I had drive 3 hours home.

I went straight to my room once I got home. I had blood all over my shirt. I took it off and threw it onto the bed. Something was sparking off of it. I grabbed my shirt and took the sparkling thing off of it. It was a chain bracelet, with a small locket that had a picture of a teddy bear on it. I put it in my nightstand drawer. How can I give it back to her now?

Then I thought,
"If we are destined to meet again, I will definitely return this to you."

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