How To Meet Your Dragon

Start from the beginning

When Leo got home he was greeted by Master Splinter, who was having a training lesson with Leo's brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo, who also greeted Leo as Splinter ended the lesson. " My son, you were gone for longer than you said you would be, did you have any trouble? " Master Splinter asked him. " No trouble sensei, I guess I just lost track of time " Leo lied. Raph knew Leo was lying and decided to join the conversation. " Really?, you sure you didn't run into any dragons while you were out " he asked.

" What!? " Leo asked, thinking his little secret had been discovered. " I said, did you run into any purple dragons? " Raph asked again sounding annoyed and suspicious. Leo let out a little sigh to make it sound like he was annoyed than relieved, " no Raph I didn't run into any purple dragons, I really just lost track of time, but now I'm really tired so I'm going to go lie down for a bit " Leo said and then ran to his room. Master Splinter looked at Raph a little concerned. Raph only shrugged and went over to his punching bag to exercise.

When Leo reached his room he shut the door and fell to the floor. " Whoa, that was too close, are you alright little guy " Leo said as he opened his bag and the dragon hopped out. " Well now that your hidden why don't I think of a name for you " he said as he got up, put his bag on his bed, and watched the dragon run around. " Hmmm, lets see now, um... " just then Leo heard master Splinter say something to Mikey.

" Michelangelo, do not become a nazo " he said.

" What's a nazo? " Mikey asked.

" Nazo means a mystery in Japanese Mikey " Don told him.

" Hmph, a mystery eh, that's what Leo's being right now " Raph said joining in on the conversation.

Leo ignored Raphs ' smart remark ' and began thinking back to when the dragon had healed his hand just by licking it. " That's it, I'll call you Nazo, because its a mystery where you came from and why you ended up in New York of all places, what do you think little guy? " he said to the dragon. The dragon ran and jumped on Leo lap and bobbed his head up and down. " I guess I'll take that's a yes " Leo said laughing slightly. Nazo sat on Leo's lap for a few minutes before starting to cry, " no, no don't start crying or else my brothers will hear you " Leo said trying to calm down Nazo. Nazo started licking his left wing gently, but every time he did he'd cry again. Leo understood and put Nazo down. " Don't worry I'll get Don's first aid kit and I'll patch up that wing of yours, and I'll get you something to eat to okay, but just stay here until I get back " he told Nazo before leaving his room and shutting the door behind him. Leo pretended like he just woke up from sleeping as he walked into Don's lab area. Don wasn't there so Leo grabbed the first aid kit from the drawer and then walked into the kitchen. ' Now what kind of food would a baby dragon like to eat ' he thought as he searched the fridge. He found some raw steak and fish and carried it all up to his room.

What Leo was unaware of was that Raph, Don, and Mikey had been watching him from the shadows.

" I told ya he was actin' weird " Raph said to the others.

" Alright Raph now I believe you, why do you think he brought all that stuff to his room? Don asked

" Oh, Oh, maybe Leo got bite by a werewolf while he was out and now he's turning into one!!!! " Mikey said

Don and Raph looked at each other and then Raph slapped Mikey on the back of his head.

" Owwwwww, hey that could've happened " Mikey said rubbing his head

" Whatever, look tomorrow morning we're gonna go confront him and MAKE him tell us what's going on " Raph said cracking his knuckles.

" Fine " Don and Mikey said in unison before they all went to bed.

Leo had finished bandaging up Nazo's wing and feeding him the fish and steak. " There now we should go to sleep, you can come sleep in my bed if you want? " Leo said patting he top of his bed to let Nazo know he could sleep there. Nazo excitedly Jumped on the bed and laid down, already falling asleep. Leo quietly laughed and within moments he had fallen asleep too.

The next morning Leo woke up very early (so early that it was still dark out) and found out that Nazo had disappeared! " Oh-no! ", Nazo where are you!? " Leo asked looking around his room for all the places that a little baby dragon could hide. Suddenly he felt something touch the top of his head. Leo looked up and saw Nazo hanging from the ceiling!

Leo was shocked at what he saw, not that Nazo was hanging from the ceiling, but the fact that Nazo had grow from being the size of a kitten to the size of an average adult dog!! " Whoa, Nazo what hap... " but Leo was interrupted by his brothers knocking at his door.

" Uh-oh, Nazo stay on the ceiling okay " Leo whispered to Nazo hoping he would understand him. Nazo, seeming to understand, hide back in the shadows. " Good boy " Leo praised quietly before opening the door.

" Um... hey guys, what's up? " Leo asked his brothers as he walked outside and shut his door behind him.

" Oh well I don't know Leo, how 'bout you tell us! " Raph said in his usual tone.

" What Raph means to say is, you've been acting strange since yesterday Leo " Don cut in.

" Ya come clean Leo, did you get bite by a werewolf yesterday or not? " Mikey asked Leo, before Raph smacked him again.

" Leo it's okay, you can tell us " Don said looking concerned

Leo thought for a second. " Alright here's the truth... I ran into some foot ninjas yesterday, but I took care of them " Leo semi lied.

Raph, Don, and Mikey looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

" Is that it? " Raph asked between his gasps for air.

" Ya, I guess it was kind of stupid to keep that from you three and Master Splinter " Leo said starting to laugh too.

" Kinda stupid, it was completely stupid " Raph said still laughing.

Leo laughed for a few more seconds and then went back into his room.

As soon as Leo shut the door, Raph stopped laughing, and soon after so did Don, but Mikey was still laughing loudly.

" What's up Raph? " Don asked him, signalling Mikey to stop laughing by slapping his head.

" I don't know, but I still think he's hiding something " Raph told his brothers before heading out of the lair.

" Where are you going? " Don asked him.

" Out to meet up with Casey " Raph told him as he left.

* Well that's the end of part 1 hope you liked it. Part 2 coming soon *

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