Chapter 21: Art Exhibit

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Last day of hell week! Finally, exams are all over! After making certain that I've got everything covered on my exam sheets, I passed them to the front and headed out.

As soon as I walked out of our room, I saw my babu leaning on one of the corridor walls whilst waiting for me. Lately, I've been seeing her always looking afar off and in very deep thoughts. I thought it's because we had our exams this whole week but now that it's all over, it makes me wonder and worry at the same time what has been keeping her this way.

"Hey bab!" I told her as I kiss her on her cheek that caught her surprised. I swear she's the cutest when she's caught off guard! The way her eyes get a little bigger and how her lips would turn to an "O" shape as she gasps for air.

"Ya! Why do you keep doing that?" she said teasingly, acting as if she's upset for what I did.

"And why do you keep acting like you don't like it when we both know how much you love it!" and of course I teased back.

"I'm so hungry babuuu!" I cried.

"Shocker bab! Let's go!"

We're currently here in one of our favourite restaurants near our school to have our late lunch. While waiting for our food, I decided to check on Jisoo.

"How were your exams? Everything good bab?" I asked

"They're alright, I guess. I'm just so relieved now that everything is over. Like finally, we can breathe again!" she uttered. My poor babu must have had a really hard time during the exams. "And you? How were yours?"

"Mine's okay. I finished most of our projects and take-home exams earlier which made it so much easier for me to focus on the written ones." I related to her. "But like you've said, exams are finally over! Can I ask my girlfriend now to be on a date with me?"

"Good for you. Sure! Where?" she asked.

"I remember I was invited to an art exhibit and was told to bring a plus one with me. It's tonight, so would you mind being my plus one?" I simply told her with my eyes getting all cute and stuff for her.

"Hmmm... Let me think about it." She answered back with a straight face. I just raised my left eyebrow on her and then pouted.

"I'm kidding! I'd love to come with you babu. You're so cute when you pout." She quickly added.

Later that night, we're off to the art exhibit. Jisoo picked me up at my house after we've both changed and touched up. There are already a few more people than I expected when we arrived at the venue. I was expecting for both of us to enjoy tonight since our hell of a week has already concluded.

But as we look around, Jisoo has been unusually quiet. And every time I would like to explain to her the painting we're looking at, I would find myself repeating what I was telling her. She keeps wandering her mind off. Yes, she's physically here with me but her attention is somewhere else. Like something has been really bothering her. And it's starting to bother me as well. Then I thought, I must know what's really going on with her.

As we walked around, someone suddenly went up to Jisoo. "Noona! Jisooni! Didn't know you're coming here as well!" the young guy said. Maybe he's the younger brother?

"OMO!!! V! What are you doing here?" Jisoo suddenly asked, shock quite evident to her face.

"I was invited here to be one of the event's photographer. How about you? Didn't know you're into art exhibits as well." V explained to his sister.

"Well, recently yes. I'm here with my girlfriend, Rosé. She's an art student at the university. Babu, this is my younger brother Kim Tae-hyung. But Jennie and I usually call him V." Jisoo then introduced his brother to me and vice versa. He let out a small giggle and wanted to tease her sister but by her tone she seemed not open to be teased so he just kept his mouth shut and smiled.

"Hi V! I'm Rosé. Please to meet you!" I greeted him as I reached out my arms to shake his hand.

"Hello Rosé noona! I'm Tae-hyung but you can call me V as well. Noona, I got to go. I must take more pictures. I'll just see you at home, okay? Nice to meet you too Roséni!" with that he left and went on with his gig here.

"V seems like a cool kid! I'm guessing his passion is photography?" I quickly turned to Jisoo and asked her, yet again she's completely oblivious of what I just said.

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say babu?" she suddenly spoke when she realized she was zoning out on me.

"Babu, can you please tell me what's going on with you? I've been losing you the entire night. Yes, you are here with me physically, but your mind is somewhere else. And it's bothering me that your attention isn't on me while you agreed to be with me tonight." I finally confessed to her.

"I'm so sorry Rosé. I didn't mean to do that. It's just that, there are so many things running through my head right now. I'm really sorry. Let's go. You might be hungry already." Jisoo said, about to head out of the venue but I pulled her somewhere else. Good thing the venue has fire exit, so I took her there. This needs to be cleared tonight. Whatever it is.

"We're not leaving here until you tell me what's wrong. I've had let it slide during the days when we had our exams thinking you're only stressed out because of those. But you're still acting quite odd until now. And I can't keep ignoring it anymore. Clearly there is something going on. I am right here Jisoo. Please talk to me." I told her, pleaded that she opens to me.

"Ever since I've met your parents, mine has been bothering me a lot more this time. I honestly don't know how I am going to introduce you to them. And I don't ever want you to feel like I'm hiding you or like you don't deserve to be introduced to them. Because trust me Roseanne, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're the most perfect gift I have ever received in my life and I want the whole world to know that. But I don't know how, especially with my parents. You know Jennie is still keeping her relationship with Lisa a secret, right? Because our parents aren't like yours. How I wish they are. They aren't as understanding and as warm and welcoming as yours. That's what has been bothering me lately. I don't know how and where else I could find the courage to face them and tell them the truth about me." Finally, she opened to me. She was looking down and was about to cry so I took hold both of her hands and looked at her.

"Hey. Look at me. I may not completely understand how you are feeling right now. And all I can do now is be here for you. But we both know you gotta tell them one way or another, right? I mean, I'm not pressuring you here. I told you I can wait until you're ready. But when will ever that be? We can't just wait here and sit around until it's too late. So, try to face them and tell them. For once, try to let them know what is truly in your heart. You don't have to be so scared like before because now you have me. We'll do it together. Let me give you the courage that you don't have like how you've been giving me confidence in myself everyday that I am worth it."

Instead of answering me back, she gave me a hug instead. "Did you hear everything that I just said?" I spoke to her whilst she's hugging me.

"Yes babu. We'll do that." She said as she pulls away from the hug.

"Tomorrow I believe they'll be home for dinner. We can talk to them then." She added. Oh boy! Here we go.

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