Chapter 20: Good Night

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Exams' week is around the corner, so every student is busy studying or finishing their project. Rosé and I are at the cafe near the University where she would usually hang out with her friends. I'm reading some notes and she's finishing her drawing stuff.

"Babu, do you want a sandwich?" She asked, she was about to stand up, but I stopped her.

"How about you? Do you want anything? I'll buy." I asked her instead.

"Okay, babu. I want a sandwich and iced coffee, please" she then smiled at me causing me to kiss her head. I didn't know I could be this sweet to someone. Roseanne makes me feel something that I couldn't explain, and I didn't expect it either.

I walk to the counter and order us coffees and sandwiches and I added bottled water for us too. After I got my order, I walked back to our table and saw my girlfriend frowning on her phone.

"Everything okay babu?" I asked putting our food on the table.

"Oh yeah," she said nodding. I sat back down and opened the sandwich for her and mine.

After studying for a while my head is starting to hurt so I rest my head on the table. I looked at my girlfriend who's massaging her back, maybe because she's been leaning onto the table.So, I quickly put my hand on her back to massage it, she looked at me and smiled.

"Does it hurt?" I asked her, still massaging her back.

"A little" she mumbled. She then rests her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head and continue massaging her back.

Rosé and I decided to have dinner at the restaurant near her house. Her eyes are already droopy, but she looks really cute when she is sleepy. I'm humming a song for her to relax. After our dinner, I drove her home and stayed for a while because her mom told me to.

Her mom is the sweetest like her. She's funny too and I can see how much she loves her daughter. I wish we have that kind of relationship with our mom, but it will never happen because she's too busy with her business which is sadly more important than her children. Growing up, we never really had a family day if that's what you call it. We grew up with the house helper and we never felt our parent's love. My siblings and I are always celebrating our birthdays just with each other because our parents have forgotten about it. After all, they're too busy to celebrate it with us. So, seeing my girlfriend's relationship with her mom, I feel jealous but happy for her that she didn't have to experience it.

I said my good night to the Parks and drive home.


I notice my girlfriend's sadness before she left. After showering, I grabbed my phone and called her to make sure she's okay, but my ex keeps texting me. I've been ignoring him since he texted me the first time. I dialled Jisoo's number and thank god she answered after the first ring.

"Hey babu" I greeted, I sat down on the edge of my bed

"Hey, bab" she greeted back, I heard her yawn making me giggle.

"How's everything there?" I asked curiously.

"It was okay. I think no one's home. I mean, it's just the house helper and me" she answered

"You could have stayed here babu" I stood up and walked to my walk-in closet to get my PJs.

"It's okay. Kai oppa will be home later so it's okay." she said but I heard her sigh.

"Are you sure bab? If no one's home just come over" I told her. After I got dressed, I walked to my bed and laid down.

"I'll think about it. I still need to finish some paper works so I could breathe a little before the exams" she explained.

I hummed and nodded realizing she can't see me. I told her not to push herself. Studying too much will ruin your mental health and it will destroy yourself. Studying is good but if you push too hard it will end up badly that's what my parents said.

Jisoo and I stayed over the phone and talked about random stuff. We chatted about our childhood stories and I noticed that she didn't mention her parents, not even once. Remembering Jennie's rant when it comes to her parents maybe that's why.

"Good night babu," I said and yawned. We talked until 3 in the morning because we didn't notice the time.

"Good night bab. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" she said.

"Okay, I'll see you." after that, we count to 3 to hang up and fall asleep.

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