Classic X AU Sanses | My Sweet Pets [6]

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[There might be some grammatical errors here]

Classic's POV

"You," I clenched my fist. I can feel my blood boiled in anger.

Epic and Error ate all the sweets including the chocolates, making a mess around the kitchen.

Ahhhh, these cats will be the end of me.

I left my apartment for a while to take out the trash, and as soon as I came back, my cats already made a mess.

"Oh come on! Can't all of you just NOT make a mess while I'm gone?"


I turned my head and saw Blue accidentally broke the glass of cup while trying to reach the table.

"And, I'll take that as a no." I sighed


"Hm? What is it, Ink?" I bend down a bit.

Ink turned his head to the right, then it meow-ed.

"Huh?" I looked where Ink was looking at and saw Ccino the cat who is still unconscious.

"Oh," I frowned.

Ccino hasn't woke up yet since I brought them here. And now, I'm getting worried. I should bring him to the vet and check his current condition.

"Don't worry, Ink. I'll take him to the vet to check him up." I patted his head while Ink just purrs.


I looked at the cookie jar that's been shattered into pieces and the cookies were all around the floor.

I glared at Epic and Error. "That's it. I'm not letting you two eat sweets ever again."




"Finally, I can take a break," I sighed and plumped down to the couch. "No one can bother me anymor–"

Knock knock

I groaned in irritation as I stood up.

"Who dares interrupt my break time this time?" I muttered angrily as I walked to the door, stomping my feet.

I opened the door before my eyes widened in shock.

"Hello, is this where Sans' Wingdings lives?" A guy with a big red eye in his left eye socket and a large hole in his head.

I gulped.

Who the hell is he and how does he know my name?!

I stared at him and studied his features. Yep, he looks like the type of guy who would kill someone.

Should I close the door? No, that would be rude and suspicious.

"Nope, you got the wrong apartment," I lied.

"O-oh. Do you know which apartment he is in?" They asked.

"Err, why? Do you have any connections with him?" I questioned him, tilting my head.

He flinched and doesn't know what to answer.

"Are you somehow an acquaintance to him?"

"Yes," He said

Oh, that's a lie. Thank goodness that he doesn't know I'm the guy that he's looking for.

"Oh okay. I heard he lived somewhere around on the 6th floor." I said, smiling at him while I laughed inside of my head.

Classic Sans x AU Sanses Book Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora