Classic X AU Sanses | My Sweet Pets [8]

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Did I just trick you into thinking this is a new chapter? Unfortunately, yes. I need to catch your attention to know how many people are still reading this book. If there are still people reading this book, I will update it even though I'm not quite a fan of this Undertale.

Some people are asking if the author is still alive. I am not the author who made the stories in this account. So if you're wondering what happened to them, let's just say that things went wrong ever since the COVID-19 Pandemic came.

I was asked to continue this story if ever I had time for it. Some chapters are ready to publish but I saw some grammatical errors in them so I might rewrite some parts for it. I will only publish the chapters that are written by the other author and after that, this book will be on hold again. I also checked the other book 'A New Fate' that is discontinued. I don't know why the other author discontinued it because there are chapters that are also ready to publish to the public. If ever you want me to publish those chapters too, tell me because I will try to ask permission from the other author.

That is all. Thank you for your time and I hope you will have a great day today.

Classic Sans x AU Sanses Book Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt