1: John Doe

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    Mom always said I could be a hero if I really tried. I started with going to medical school and then dropped out, struggling to remember things. It was really hard so I just gave up. Soon enough, I found my calling working as a vet's assistant. They told me I was quite good at helping nurse the animals back to health. Sure, the vet told me what I was supposed to do, but I managed. I also love healing animals; it's my true calling.
    I lived in a small town in South Virginia. It's called, 'Courtville' which is such a weird name. But it's a lovely little town and the people are great as well. "Hey, Beely!" My attention goes to one of the townsfolk, the one who owns a bakery. "Beely, I have some of those biscuits you love so much!"
    "Hush now, Mr. Stork, if people know I inhale biscuits, they are gonna offer me up their leftovers! Trust me, it's going to happen," I informed him. He handed me a basket filled to the top with individually wrapper biscuits. "Mr. Stork, I can't possibly take all of these, at least let me pay you."
    He waved me off, turning to walk back to his bakery. "It's a thank you for helping me clean up my shop after that accident! Free of charge!" He beamed, taking long strides as he walked off. I waved, even though he wasn't looking at me anymore. I couldn't wait to eat these biscuits with some tea! My house was only a few blocks away from the bakery; about a ten minute speed walk. I would've driven my car, but the weather is just so nice and I love the fresh air. Well, if you count humid air to be fresh. A little dog ran by me, barking its little head off. I was a bit curious as to what caused the dog such a reaction, so I followed after it. I ran close behind, seeing as it was chasing a cat.
    I stopped and panted, finding it so stupid that I chased after this dog since I thought it was something else. But no, it was a cat. I'm stuck just outside the woods, looking in and seeing the dog disappear behind the bushes. But what was weird is that I saw a foot hiding behind the bushes, toe up. I tiptoe over there, popping out my pepper spray and getting into battle position. My pepper spray is extended out in my right hand, my left hand clenching my right bicep. I'm ready if whoever laying down here is pretending to be laying down. I kept on tiptoeing, looking over the bush. But when I expected an old man, dirty, drunk, and passed out; I see a younger male, swooshy brown hair and scratched up peachy skin. His clothes are tattered and shredded, as if he had fought a wild animal with large sharp claws.
    My eyes searched the little area for something I was looking for. I found a long, skinny stick and pick it up off the ground, facing the guy once more. He's laying on the ground, non-threateningly. But no, I do not trust many things and this is one of them. I use the stick to poke him in the side, the arm, and then the face. No movement, which means he is either knocked out cold or dead. B the subtle rising and falling of his chest, I assumed he was knocked out. But in the state he is in, if some hungry wolves or bears find him, he's a goner. I got a little closer and hoped to God that he was unconscious. I took his arm and put two fingers on his wrist, checking his pulse. It's there, yet it's faint. I quickly moved away, pulling my phone out of my purse and calling 911 to get this dude an ambulance. The hospital is in the city and he's gonna need a hospital. Those two years at medical school taught me something.
    The lady on the other side of the line told me to stay with him and not move him in case if he had any wounds that might open up. I sat beside him, but a few feet away. I didn't want to be next to him if he suddenly had woke up. My mind was occupied on my phone, looking at the time and then looking back at the guy. He looked kind of cute, but that wasn't the point. He just had a different face compared to those in my town. He's new, so maybe that's why his face got my attention. My hands slapped my face to wake me up out of my nonsense. I needed a nap after a long morning at the vet clinic. My black hair felt sticky and greasy, but that might've been from the humid air.
    I could hear the sirens of the ambulance; it was about fifteen minutes since I called them. I left the woods to go and lead them to the guy, watching them lift him onto a stretcher and take him back to the ambulance. I followed after them, asking, "Do you think I could come with? I would like to help after he wakes up."
    The EMT looked at his coworkers before nodding, letting me up into the car. The doors shut and we are off, going towards the hospital. They gave him a respirator, checking under his dark blue shirt for wounds, seeing deep cuts in his abdomen. I stood awkwardly on the side, hoping that nothing was horribly wrong with him. Other than those nasty cuts he had.
    We arrived at the hospital, the EMTs taking him straight to surgery. I mean, he needed stitches with those cuts. He must've been attacked by a wild animal, due to his shredded clothes and cuts. I wait with the other waiting people, tapping the ground with my shoes. A lady next to me told me, "Knock that off!"
    I tried to keep silent by distracting myself with games on my phone. Soon enough, they called me up, to which I forgot I had given them my name. Some cops asked me some questions, but I only knew that I had found him there and nothing else. They let me go visit him as he was done with his stitches. I saw him laying in the bed, slightly awake. He seemed drowsy and when I entered the room, he glanced over at me. "Who... who're you?" He asked quietly. I walked closer, not sure if I heard him correctly. He gave me a weird, tired look.
    "You want to know who I am?" I questioned. He responded with a slight nod and I replied, "I'm Nora Beely. I'm the lady who found you in the forest. Why were you out there? What are with those cuts and why were your clothes all torn?"
    My bombardment of questions must've confused him as he muttered out, "I don't know..."
    I felt a little bad as he didn't know the answers and I guess I sounded pretty demanding. I sighed, running a hand through my eyes, looking at my reflection in the TV screen. My green eyes starred right back at me. I turned back to him, inquiring, "What's your name?"
    He took a couple of seconds to answer, looking at his hands in his lap, "I don't know. I don't remember anything. I already told the doctor this."
    I gasped, but hushed myself quickly. I sped out of the room, leaving the unknown male behind. I searched for the doctor who told me I could see him and found him. I pestered him with questions, "That patient you have, the one with deep cuts on his abdomen? Does he have amnesia?"
    He nodded, "Yes, I'm afraid so. Our John Doe cannot remember a thing, not even his own name. the police are going to do a picture search to see if they can find his name or see if anyone finds him familiar. For now, he can go through the system and—"
    "I can take care of him!" I interrupted. The doctor glanced at me, slightly upset at my interruption and rudeness. But nonetheless, he said nothing about it. "He could stay with me until he remembers. I have an extra room and it's the least I could do for him. Poor guy can't even remember who he is; I have to help him somehow! I found him, by the way."
    "Yes, you're noted this. Very well, what is your name, Miss?" He asked, preparing to write on his fancy clipboard.
    I grinned, happy I could help the guy out. "My name is Nora Beely, doctor. I promise I'll take good care of him!"
    "Very we'll, Ms. Beely. You may help take care of our John Doe from Room 108," he concluded. I cheered, seeing as how I've changed my life now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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