Chapter 4- Greetings

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"Hi. My name is Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin," Jin says.

"O-okay, my name is Park Ara," you reply.

He stays quiet as a response of "ok". The both of you sit there awkwardly.

The silence breaks when the professor announces the goal of the project. 

"The goal of the project is to get to know your partner but also learning the skills of communication and teamwork. For this project I will be assigning each group a genre. With the genre you will be creating a video or film of the both of you acting. I will be grading on creativeness, but also on how well the both of you act together. Now, we have 40 minutes left of class, I want you and your partner to go somewhere and get to know each other. When we meet tomorrow I want you and your partner to act out a script in class to see how well you actually bonded."

The professor then dismisses everyone. You grab your backpack and coffee and wait for Jin to finish packing up. Today there was only one class and the rest were online since today there was a teachers board meeting. Meaning the students had the whole day free.

"So, where do you want to go?" you awkwardly ask.

"We can go anywhere I dont mind," Jin replies.

"Oh ok, I saw a fair a couple minutes away from here, would you wanna go?" you ask.

"Yeah sure," he responds.

The both of you walk to the bus stop since neither of you had a car. 

"How old are you?" you ask.

"Im 21, what about you?" he replies.

"Oh, im 20. Is it your second year?" you asked, curious.

"No I took a year off for personal reasons." 

You were curious about what the "personal reasons" but you didn't ask for obvious reasons. The two of you sat in silence while waiting for the bus.

"He's a lot quieter than he seems.." you think to yourself. 

"Wanna listen to music?" Jin asks you.

"S-sure," you say surprised. 

"I love BTS!" you say when you heard the music

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"I love BTS!" you say when you heard the music.

"Yeah, me too. Their music is so addicting!" Jin replies.

"I actually have two tickets to their concert, but none of my friends like them." Jin frowned.

You sit their sitting in silence wondering if you should ask if you could go or not.

"Would you wanna go with me?" Jin shyly asks.

"Of course!" you excitedly respond. 

"How about we exchange numbers..?" you ask.

Jin nods and the two of you exchange each others numbers. The bus finally comes after what feel likes hours. You both get on and pay. The both of you are forced to sit next to eachother since there are no seats left. 

All of a sudden Jin's earphones "Red Flavor" by Red Velvet. He quickly takes the earphones out and sits there in disbelief. 

"AHAHHA!" you laugh it of thinking it was hilarious.

"heheeh," Jin also laughs.

"It's a good song," you teasingly say.

His face turns pink but is smiling it off anyway. The two of you sit there until you stop at the fair. 

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