Your Second Chance (Chapter 8)

Start from the beginning

Everest woke up to a bright light shining in her face. "Rescue team?" She mumbled.
"We're rescuing ourselves." Chase quickly said as he grabbed her paws and handed her a headlamp.
Everest wiped off her tears. "Are you not mad?"
Chase sighed. "I don't want to die angry at someone. It's either we make it out or they don't find our bodies at all, what would you want it to be?" Chase offered. "I'd rather die trying not to die."
Everest didn't hesitate to pick option one. She naturally took lead which confused Chase. "What do you think you're doing?"
Everest kept walking. "Getting us out of here."
Chase rolled his eyes and followed Everest. The cave was huge with spikes hanging off the ceiling. Chase didn't like the thought of it. His mind was on high alert just incase one decided to fall down.
Throughout the cave were all kinds of different holes leading to other places. In the middle of everything was a thin stream of water going down.
Chase looked back and forth as they walked with the stream deeper into the cave. "Shouldn't we be going up where the water is coming from?"
Everest shook her head and stayed quiet. She realized she left the pup tag back at where they had fallen from. She felt to guilty go back and retrieve it.
She taps her pup tag. The broken glass could bend to the light push of her paw. She turned around to see Chases tag which was in even worse condition and even some blood on it. "Is your paw fine?" Everest offered.
"Yes." Chase quickly replied.
Everest looked at it and saw that it was dirty with dried blood. She sighed. "Let me see your paw." She ordered as she reached into her pup pack for a first aid kit.
Chase raised his paw. Everest suddenly shoved it in the ice cold water.
He jumps backwards and shakes his paw."Ah ah ah that's cold! What was that for?!?"
Everest huffed. "I need to clean your paw before I can put bandages on it."
"At least tell me." Chase mumbled.
Everest left his paw in the water. "Do you know how it feels to be yelled at by the most honorable, valiant and honestly most likable person you know?" She suddenly states.
Chase froze. "Yes..."
Chase thought of his actions earlier and put the pieces together and realized she was talking about him. "I-I didn't know you thought of me that way to be honest. Cough Nobody really does." Chase says as he looks down.
Everest kept a blank face. She didn't think that was a good apology at all.
Chase slowly raised his head again and looks her in the eyes making her uncomfortable again. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I was just mad and I don't...ughhh I can't do this right now. I don't know how to apologize." Chase huffed and sat down.
Everest smirked. "Because you don't make mistakes and never had to actually apologize before! You made a mistake!" Everest squeezed his paw and jumped up and down.
Chase winced at the pain and Everest quickly stopped. "Sorry.."
silence filled the area and Chase stared at the ground the entire time. "You got bored of staring at me?" Everest teased hoping he'd show his eyes again. She finished wrapping up the gauze and stood up.
"I like the ground, I can't see how close the walls are." Chase mumbled.
Everest completely forgot he was claustrophobic. "I can attach a rope so it's easier for you to follow."
Chase quickly nodded his head and got closer so Everest could attach the rope.
Everest couldn't see the end of where they were going but all she knew was that it was only gonna get tighter. "Do you have any more stories or things you need to vent out?" She questions as they get to a tight part.
Chase bumped into Everest as she slowly squeezed herself through. "Sorry, but what do you mean vent out?"
Everest was tempted to take a seat and explain to the Shepherd but they had to keep moving. "Chase, you're a clever dog but boy do you have much to learn. Venting is when you let everything out. Your thoughts and feelings."
Chase thought about it as he passed through the right section. "Do you vent?" He asks.
"All the time, only the the most trusted person I know which could be you, but it's Jake." Everest said.
Chase nodded. "So I should say this to Marshall or Ryder then."
Everest stopped in her tracks. "I mean you coooould... ooor you could tell me! You've already told me a lot." Everest said as she leaned in waiting for his answer.
Chase shrugged. Everest looked at the walls which seemed man made. Almost like corridors. "So how do I start?" Chase asked as he was mesmerized by the pattern of his foot steps.
"Mh, I'll get you started. What about the Sylvia girl?" Everest asked.
Chase tried his best to remember all of it. "We were friends during most of my training. After training a lot of the people I knew including Sylvia left adventure bay. I had Ryder, Marshall and Rocky to talk to at least. Besides maybe Rocky, I'm the only German Shepherd in town." Chase said.
"Rocky is a German Shepherd?"
"Well... I think he is. He also might be husky, kinda like me and you combined with some other breeds in there aswell. I honestly think he could be better than me if he tried. Better than all of the paw patrol. He's just so....I can't find the words." Chase huffed.
Everest followed the stream down to a part where the tight path split into three. In the middle was a sign.
"I think there's people down here." Everest pointed out.
Chase looked up and looked to where Everest's flashlight was. Upon closer inspection Chase saw that it was a quote and a riddle. He ran to the sign and quickly read it.
Second chances are given for redemption but some use it not for redemption but for salvation or revenge.
These three caves lead to salvation, your second chance, and death. Answer the riddles and the correct path with reveal itself to what you require.
"Y-you can answer riddles?" Everest shakily asked. She really didn't feel like walking to her death.
Chase skimmed over the riddle. "Of course I can. I'm a detective." Chase announced and read the riddle.
"Eros at its core, while a ring is its symbol, it can often be seen as holy, often sealed by contact." Chase mumbled.
"There's two riddles." Everest chimed in as she looked at another wall.
Chase nodded and worked on the current riddle. "Eros, core, ring, symbol, holy, and sealed by contact...." Chase said.
"Eros? Like money?" Everest guessed.
"No no, that euros. Eros as in something else. But Wha-" Chase looked at the closest wall and stopped.
Everest thought he was going to start hyperventilating. "Chase, the riddle still needs to be answere-
"Shhh!" Chase shushes.
Everest was going to retaliate but she noticed writing on the walls with pictures. "I'm can't believe I'm this clueless!" Chase exclaims.
Everest was confused.
"Eros is Greek mythology. Rocky is into that stuff. He's the god of love and sex....weird thing to talk about right now BUT! If this is love related then think about it." Chase said trying to get Everest to join along.
He excitedly looked at Everest as she went back to the sign. "Uhhh love and sex?" Everest nervously chuckled. Chase nodded and watched. "Think of the other words! Ring and sealed by contact!"
Everest closed her eyes imagined.
She was in a field with the paw patrol, friends, and family. They all sat in suits and dresses. On her wrist was a bracelet.
She looked at herself who was in a simple dress. She looked at the person across. She felt unpleasant tingles run down her back. "I do" it said in two distinct voices.
Everest didn't even get to say anything. The mix between Chase and Makalu leaned in.
Everest fell from her dream and entered reality. "A marriage?" She mumbled.
Chase jumped up and down. "Yes! Only took you like 3 minutes and some mumbling. What were you even- never mind let's do the second one!" Chase said.
Everest felt the excitement run through her veins. "Do you have this much fun?" She asks.
Chas paused. "Well, I usually do things on my own and when I do find them out there's never s good things. Aka they shoot at me or dead bodies." Chase replied as he read the next riddle.
Everest stopped in front on Chase. "I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time."
Chase looked at the wall and scanned it. "I wouldn't be surprised if this had to do with love again. I mean the answer could just be lo-
Gears could be heard in the far distance turning and unlocking things. Chase looked around the room to see if anything was gonna come out to kill them.
A low light emitted to Everest's face. She raised her paw and quickly tapped Chase repeatedly. Chase turned around and was mesmerized. He blindly walked into the left corridor where the light came from. "Chase?" Everest called out.
She tried to pull him back but her strength wasn't close to Chase. She caught up to him to go through the light as a duo.
They felt the floor angle up. "Chase!" Everest called out again.
Everest yawned for a solid 5 seconds. Her paws dragged across the floor and she struggled to keep her eyes open.
After a couple more minutes she decided to let Chase drag her.
Chase walked into a lit up circular room. Just then he felt free and shook his head. "Ughhh....Everest?!?" He yelled as he checks for a pulse.
A small push indicated she was still alive and well. He fell over and blinked his eyes one last time before dozing off.

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