Part 19 - Kidnapped!

Start from the beginning

The four counselors, plus the undetected shapeshifter, all crowded outside, and Scarlet brandished her Chaos Emerald to make the trip shorter. As Cyanic told Scarlet where the mall was specifically located, Nutmeg eyed the gem hungrily, wondering how she was going to get hold of it while remaining unnoticed. The group of five abruptly flashed out of sight, before materializing before the enormous building in the heart of the city, which blended in with the shiny skyscrapers and sleek office buildings surrounding it. They entered the large, covered portion of the outdoor space, peering into each subsection that housed the individual stores combined under the glimmering glass roof. The red shell on Mighty's back caught Scarlet's eye, and she pointed out the three guys they were meeting up with to her friends. The groups merged immediately as the girls greeted the two former Chaotix members and the hero of Mobius.

"We heard about the anomaly that attacked during your soup kitchen." Mighty exclaimed as they casually walked through the outdoor section of the mall. "But it seems you two handled it fine yourselves."

"We only kept the thing distracted until Shadow came to the rescue," Scarlet chuckled, pleased nonetheless by his compliment. "It came out of nowhere. Sorta resembled a bear..."

Nutmeg smiled uncertainly, diverting her gaze momentarily as she caught sight of a shady-looking Mobian leaning against the corner of a building. He signaled something with his left hand before turning and disappearing around the corner. The pink's squirrel grin faltered once before she looked back at the group she was with. The shapeshifter needed an excuse to split, and fast. Ray, with some chagrin, mentioned needing to go to the restroom.

"I told you to go before we got here," Mighty, in a manner not unlike that of a mother, scolded him lightly.

"Actually, I need to go, too. We can meet up again by the fountain." The Head Mistress spoke up, offering him an understanding smirk. "Come on, kid."

The two flying squirrels departed from the group, walking side-by-side as the rest resumed their leisurely walk, conversations cutting in and out. The youngest of the two snuck a glance up at his companion's cheery face, then immediately looked down, his own face reddening. He didn't know Nutmeg well enough to ask personal questions, but he felt as though he could trust her with anything. The little squirrel opened his mouth to speak, then immediately lost his nerve and darted into the men's restroom. Nutmeg watched him leave before changing her route and circling around the restrooms instead. The Mobian, a grey bird, who had flashed her sign language for N.I.T.E. awaited there, arms crossed and a dark hood over his head. He was a messenger, no doubt, and Nutmeg glanced over her shoulder to ensure no one was around and that no security cameras overlooked the scene. The octopus reverted to his original form and leaned against the wall, studying the spy's grim face as he awaited his message.

"Snow sends a message." The grey parrot spoke, his husky voice close to a whisper. "There are more options for the grand plan. He could send an anomaly onto the school and bust a wall down, allowing the trainees to run rampant and riot."

Mimic smirked. "I doubt Juke would like the sound of that, but I'll tell him. The more chaos, the better. Whatever makes the little girl cry." He was referring to the real Head Mistress when he said this, yet the parrot simply shrugged.

"Do you have any messages you'd like to send back?" He asked.

"Yes. Tell the doctor I'm in a good position to strike right now. The bombs are planted. I haven't gotten the emerald yet, but I'll get it soon. Also, tell him we already have a couple of trainees on our side. The alien and the dark prince. That is all." The octopus's body shivered as his skin dissolved into the silvery hue before changing him back into the likeness of Nutmeg. She turned, rearranging her thoughts, until her eyes were drawn to a bright yellow shape crouched behind a nearby potted plant. The squirrel darted over to the miniature shrub and grabbed Ray by his arm, roughly pulling him out from his hiding spot.

"How much did you hear?" She hissed angrily, earning nothing but a frightened stare from the smaller squirrel. Nutmeg dragged the juvenile with her back over to the bird and shoved him against the back of the building. "Take the brat with you. He knows too much."

"Y-you're M-mimic!" Ray gasped, fighting down his panic attack as his captor held him tightly against the brick wall, binding his hands together behind his back. "Help! Help-!"

The bird, without missing a beat, grabbed Ray's scarf and pulled it over the squirrel's gasping mouth, gagging him. After grabbing the flailing child and lifting him over his shoulder, the parrot sped off behind another building, out of sight. The shapeshifter waited a minute before concluding his plan.

"Oh my gosh!" Nutmeg feigned shock, before running out from behind the bathrooms and down the path. As she headed quickly for the fountain, she saw her group peering over curiously.

"Ray's been kidnapped!" The first words out of her mouth immediately stirred up a ruckus. She grabbed hold of Scarlet's arm for the illusion of comfort as the others began talking over one another, demanding an explanation.

"What do you mean, kidnapped?" Mighty exclaimed with great irritation.

"A figure dressed in black, a ninja, grabbed him and...!" Nutmeg, breathing hard, pointed with her free arm back towards the way she had came. "He disappeared over there!"

"What are we standing around for? Let's go!" Sonic dashed off, Mighty, Cyanic, and Batanna in his wake.

"We need to file in a report with the mall's manager." Valorie concluded diligently. "Have the staff on lookout in case he's still on the lot."

"Oh, this is all my fault." Nutmeg pulled away, brushing wild strands of hair out of her face. "I wasn't cautious enough...!"

"It's not your fault, Nutty." Scarlet told her trustingly. "Valorie will go alert the manager while you and I check out the mall's map. He couldn't have gone far."

F.V.R.'s librarian gave them a half-wave as she ran inside the mall, and the two counselors looked at the steel billboard displaying an overview of the building's outdoor section. After a moment of examining the board, Scarlet glanced at Nutmeg out of the corner of her eye as she felt an odd sort of feeling set in her gut.

"Who is the evil poptarts' ally?" She ventured softly.

Nutmeg shot an annoyed look her way. "Really, Scarlie? Ray's been kidnapped, now is not the time."

The dark hedgehog hesitated, then resumed scanning the board. Nutmeg was clearly distressed. Maybe it was an honest mistake on her part, or maybe she just didn't appreciate Scarlie's distrust at that moment. The hedgehog decided she would test her doubts once more when they were rejoined with the group, just in case.

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