Part 18 - Shapeshifter at Your Service

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The ride back was swift, and in seemingly no time at all, Eclipse found himself in Nutmeg's office once more, seated across the weary counselor.

She dropped the tough act and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay? You can be honest, no one's around."

He felt nauseous from the amount of sheer kindness that radiated from the squirrel's voice.

"No, I'm not okay." The alien felt no better or worse upon speaking the truth. "I will never be okay."

"That's the kind of attitude that ensures you won't." She mentioned softly. "But tell me why you aren't okay. What's bothering you so?"

"Isn't it obvious? I hate being here."

"Oh, then I'm sure I can arrange a containment cell for you back in G.U.N.'s stronghold," the squirrel hummed, her gloved hand reaching for the phone on her desk.

"No!" Eclipse shrieked.

The Head Mistress sat back patiently, folding her hands together across the desk. She had expected his outcry, much to his dismay, and tilted her head with an unimpressed, quizzical look. "Then what would you like me to do to make it better?"

"I... I don't know..." His expression softened into a look of despondency. The look of the sad, lost alien melted her heart, and the counselor sighed.

"Darling, I don't understand what it's like being the last of your kind. But I can sympathize. You probably feel like your place in life is uncertain, and you most likely feel incredibly lonely, especially with the only supposed relative you have left leaving you behind. But that's the beauty of Mobius. In place of where your family might've been, you can develop deep and beautiful friendships that last a lifetime."

"No friendship could ever replace my kin." Eclipse growled, glaring at her. "Especially not with a nasty Mobian."

"You're right. Nothing can replace that feeling of emptiness, that void, left by the absence of your kind. Also, we're going to work on that attitude..." She studied his face with grim intensity. "But it's best to acknowledge that they're gone and move on."

Blind anger raptured through Eclipse, and he grabbed the chair across from her desk, throwing it violently across the room. It hit the wall, splintering into pieces. "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO MOVE ON," the alien screamed, "WITH THAT MONSTER OF A HEDGEHOG PARADING ABOUT LIKE HE DID NO WRONG?!"

His body shook with rage as he hissed through clenched teeth, "that hedgehog took everything away from me..." his voice trembled as his throat choked up, and he bit his lip, struggling to keep his emotions contained. "...And he doesn't even care."

The extraterrestrial squinted as painful tears welled up in his eyes, and he covered his contorted face with his hands, stifling a sob. Nutmeg slowly stood up and stepped around her office chair. She silently pushed it around the desk and beside the alien, before gesturing for him to sit. He crumpled into the chair, the simple act of kindness only upsetting him more, and began uncontrollably crying, tears streaking across his face, his clawed fingers digging into his own forehead. The flying squirrel handed him tissues as he wept, leaning against the side of the chair. She was smiling sadly, glad to see him finally releasing the pent-up tension that had been building since he joined F.V.R.

When the alien's crying fit had passed after some time, Nutmeg sat on the edge of her desk, facing the miserable creature. "What thought helped you cry?"

"Helped?" He winced, dabbing the hot tears off his pale cheeks. "Crying was the last thing I expected, or wanted, to be doing right now."

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