•|Dark Red Almost Black|•

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"Harry... Potter..." a strange yet familiar voice called out to the fourteen year old boy. The first thing that Harry did was look around, even though he himself is scared and unsure about this situation. Darkness surrounds him, but surprisingly, every turn he made shows him another pathway. It has never happened to him before. Where was he even?

"Hello?" Harry called out.

No answer, just sound of fire crackling.

Harry sighed and tried again, "Is anybody there?"

He did not expect a response, and did not get one either. Desperation made him follow the sound of the crackling fire instead.

Turns, stairs, turns, and more turns. It seems never-ending. Until, he spotted light. Just as he was about to reach the fire, his body felt as if he was sucked back into something.

"Hey Harry," Daphne waved her hand in front of his face, "Are you alright?"

Harry blinked. Weird. He did not remember arriving in the Great Hall. He was just... walking? Then that strange thing occurred.

"Err... yeah?" Harry replied stupidly.

None of his friends looked convinced.

Draco coughed, "Anyways, this is Harry Potter."

Harry was confused. Why would an introduction be necessary when they all know who he is? He was about to question Draco when he saw a tall man with broad shoulders sitting right across him. He nudged Draco, who was sitting to his left.

"Who is this?" Harry whispered to Draco's ear.

Draco rolled his eyes, "He's—"

"Viktor Krum, pleased to meet you," the dude with broad shoulders said.

"The quidditch player?" He asked bluntly, still out of it because of the strange thing that happened a while ago.

"Yes Harry, the Bulgarian seeker," Pansy answered.

He is still confused. What the hell is going on? Why are there many new faces?

"Wait, what's going on?" He rubbed his temple. All this is giving him a headache.

His friends looked at him confused.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Draco initiated, "Maybe you should go back and rest at the dormitory."

Yeah. He could use some rest.

Harry smiled charmingly, "I think I will head there right after finishing my meal."


He said the password and entered the Slytherin common room, only to be greeted by...

"Merlin's saggy— what the heck, Blaise?" Harry shrieked covering his eyes with his hands.

There, in the common room, Blaise Zabini was snogging a random girl. The girl gasped and pushed Blaise away as soon as she heard Harry's shrieking. Blaise looked up with a face of indifference. He gave the girl a quick peck and she quickly scrambled out of the common room.

"Oh hey, Harry," Blaise winked.

Harry threw him a look of disgust, "Can't you do that in somewhere... more private?"

"The common room is pretty much a private place," Blaise argued, "Considering everyone should be feasting in the Great Hall in this moment."

As Harry was about to retort, he suddenly felt a tugging sensation on his self that made him feel nauseous. He quickly ran to the bathroom and puked. It was when Harry finally wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his robe that he noticed something unnatural. Terror was etched on his face, when he noticed that his vomit does not consist of his dinner.

"Harry! Are you alright?" Blaise stormed into the bathroom looking worried.

Harry stared blankly at what was supposedly his vomit and then at Blaise.

"What the fuck?" Blaise blurted, "Whe... where did that come from? Did you just puked whatever that is out?"

Harry glanced at the bloody red vomit for the last time before getting rid of it. The vomit was a very dark red that it looked almost black. Harry did not know what is going on and it is starting to unnerve him.

Harry tiredly said, "Blaise, do me a favour."

Blaise stood there, frozen, still confused and nervous.

"Don't inform Draco or the others about this," Harry warned him with a look that could kill.

Blaise gulped, "Y.. yeah, sure."

That night, Harry went to sleep, dreams invaded by that same voice from before.


Quick Question:
Should I continue this? If so, how many chapters are you hoping?

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