Chapter 9

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"Guys, it's time for dinner," Becky said, walking into Lex and Ethan's room to see the two snuggled up to one another and the TV playing a movie.
Ethan looked down at Lex, panic in his eyes and his breathing starting to shake.
"We'll be down in a minute," she said to Becky after looking at Ethan sympathetically.
"All right." Becky closed the door and walked out.
"Lex, I can't-"
"Ethan, I know you're worried about your dad but you have to eat." She stood up, nearly falling back down into the bed when she felt Ethan pulling on her hand.
"But I'm not hungry. And I don't really wanna be around everyone right now. I can't take the questions."
She tilted her head and held out her hand. "Come on. We'll not be down for too long."
He took it, not pulling her back down this time, "Fine. But as soon as we're done we're back up here and I am not leaving this bed."
Lex laughed, "Fair enough."

"Ah, you're alive," Henry says as Lex and Ethan sunk into their seats at the table.
"Just about," Lex said, smiling weakly.
"What did you get up to all day?" Tom asked.
"Watched a few movies," Ethan said quietly.
"How are you both holding up?" Henry asked.
Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
Lex cleared her throat, "A little worried about Hannah and A... but we're okay."
"I wouldn't worry too much if you can help it. She'll be fine," Henry said.
Lex nodded and started to eat her dinner, but Ethan just moved the fork around in an attempt to make it seem like he was eating.
"Ethan, you sure you're doing okay?" Tom asked.
He sighed, "It's just my dad."
Tom nodded. He had been Ethan's teacher for years, he knew all about the relationship Ethan had with his dad. It was far from perfect, but he could easily tell that they cared a lot about one another.
"I know it's hard, but try not to worry too much. Lex, what about you?" he asked, aware that she hadn't been entirely honest before.
"I said I'm fine."
"You also said you were fine whenever you came into my class running on thirty minutes of sleep. I could tell you were lying then and I can tell you're lying now. What is it?"
"It's... It's Alice."
     Bill nearly asked how they knew one another, but then he remembered. He had never met Lex, but she and Alice had been close for a while. He never knew why it didn't last.
"I didn't know you two knew each other," Ethan said.
"Yeah... We were ... good friends before she moved to Clivesdale. After that I guess we just drifted."
"Oh, that's right. I forgot you two were friends," Tom said, thinking back to all the times he saw them together in his class.
     "I know I've not spoken to her in a while, but... I hate seeing her like that."
     "Hopefully you shouldn't have to for much longer," Henry said.
     A speck of hope found its way into Bill's eyes, "You found a way to-"
     "No, not exactly. But my research suggests that she shouldn't be asleep much longer anyway."
     Bill smiled, but much as Lex tried to be happy, she was just too anxious.

"Lex, how come you were so quiet through dinner?" Ethan asked as they walked back into their room.
"What do you mean?" she asked, facing away from him as she plugged her phone in.
Ethan sighed, walking over and taking her hand, guiding her to the bed, "Lex, what's wrong? Talk to me."
She sat down, nestling into Ethan's shoulder as he lay a blanket over the two of them.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me," he said gently.
"It's just..." Hard as she tried, she couldn't hold back the tears. And she couldn't keep her breathing steady or stop herself from shaking.
"It's okay," he whispered, stroking her hair, 'Whatever it is ... you know I love you no matter what.'
"I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"For not telling you sooner."
"Lex, what is it?" he asked, concerned.
"Alice and I, we used to date. When we were fifteen, we got together and dated in secret. But, seven months later, her parents got divorced and she had to move to Clivesdale. It wasn't the move that broke us up, there was just so much going on. She couldn't really deal with a relationship, much less a secret one. So, she came out when she moved and got together with Deb not long before we got together."
"Is that the reason you were so quiet? Because you hadn't told me you and Alice dated?"
She didn't answer.
"I just feel like I shouldn't've kept it from you for so long."
Ethan sighed, "Lex, you don't owe me a list of your past partners. Or a list of the different genders of people you've been with. Or attracted to, for that matter."
She smiled up at him, relieved, "I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed the top of her head before turning the TV on again.

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