He's Gone!

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The sun shone through the window above Daneliya's head, and she smiled. The nights here felt extremely long. She wasn't sure if they were, or if they just felt like they didn't have enough time during the day to accomplish everything that had to get done. The nights were just so dark, and she was always awake before the sun. She looked out at the morning colors and then looked to the spot were Gavin normally slept. She thought it odd that he wasn't back, but maybe he couldn't sleep and was already up, wandering around the building somewhere.

She slipped out of the room, drawing looks from the youth. For an hour or more, she searched the building. Every door, she checked empty. Each stairwell echoing only her steps as her heart beat faster.

She made it back to where she started and looked around at the youth, "I can't find Gavin."

Before anyone could respond, a metal block came crashing through the window. People screamed in surprise but Daneliya and Mitch ran towards the window. They peered out, both seeing the creature flying away before it dove towards the ground and burrowed, quickly disappearing from sight. Mitch and Daneliya shared a look and when they looked back, it was like the creature had never dug up the ground at all. It was good as new.

Renea picked up the metal block but dropped it again as a hologram appeared. The purple image displayed what looked like a robotic man. His blue, synthetic hair was spiky and wild as his voice clicked as he spoke, "Welcome strangers to Mayphen City. You have been so unfortunate to wander into our little town, and we have welcomed you, by taking one of your own. Don't worry. You will never see him again, and you can bet that he will wish he were dead. Welcome to the city!" He cackled angrily, his clicks getting louder as he did so.

Daneliya slid down the wall. Was Gavin really gone?

The droid man continued, "I am a Ricket. The Beings that go by the name of Mayphen's were kind enough to give us that name, and we have kept it. We are taking over Mayphen City and then the world. Each one of you, will be picked off one by one until there isn't one of you left," He glanced behind him at something then said, "Enjoy freedom while it lasts." The hologram flicked out and panic ensued.

Daneliya buried her face in her hands. He was gone! He was going to wish he were dead!

"Gavin! He's gone!" Renea cried out clutching onto Paul, "I told you we weren't going to make it home!"

Paul put his shaking hands on her shoulders and looked into her brown eyes, "Renea! Calm down!"

"He's gone?" Mitch muttered looking at Daneliya "What do we do?"

A girl with blond hair and a tear streaked face cried out, "You wanted to lead! So, lead!"

Mitch looked at the girl with wide, scared eyes, and sighed, "I-I...I don't know what to do."

The group fell into a loud stressed-out chaos. Each yelling to be heard, except Daneliya who sat in stunned silence on the floor. Gavin may be gone, but that didn't mean the others were doomed to be. They had time to get everyone else out. And as much as it hurt her, she had to help. Even if it meant leaving Gavin behind.

"Guys," She said weakly standing slowly to her feet. When no one looked, she said it again, slightly louder, "Guys!" When she still didn't have their attention, she basically screamed, "Guys!" Her heart ached from the loss of her friend and she felt weak in the knees. But this time, the group turned to face her. Each face showing different levels of fear and anger.

Daneliya took a deep, shaky breath and said, "We can no longer sit around. We do that, we risk the...Rickets coming after us as easy prey. It is time to move."

Renea was crying buckets as she said, "But what-," Her voice caught and Mitch finished for her in a grief stricken voice.

"What if Gavin makes it out? How will he know where to find us?"

Daneliya looked between them surprised at their concern for him. They hadn't seemed to care at all only hours before. "He is smart. I-if he makes it out...He will figure out we aren't here and look for us elsewhere," Her voice felt weak and her heart was heavy. "We need to go. It is our only hope of making it out of here."

Paul nodded his head slowly, his face showing grief the rest of him was skillfully keeping hidden. "Daneliya is right. We must go,"

"But," Renea cried clutching her heart, "We don't know what is out there! What if we die?"

Daneliya nodded and said in a pain filled whisper, "If we stay here, we sentence ourselves to the same fate as-," She pursed her lips and shut her eyes before, she forced his name out of her trembling lips, "Gavin." She crossed the room to the door and looked back at the group, "I am leaving, anyone is welcome to join me."

The group turned to look at Mitch and Paul, but Paul, who was just as lost as the rest of them, was looking at Mitch.

Mitch walked towards Daneliya and looked into her dark blue eyes, "I...am going with her," He announced to the youth behind him, his eyes still on Daneliya's.

Murmurs of agreement rang through the room as they crowded around behind Mitch, and in front of Daneliya. Her eyes were filled with tears as she turned her face away and walked down the hall and whispered to herself, "I'll always miss you, Gavin. I wish I had more time..."

The group walked down four flights of stairs before they hit the ground level and walked towards the front door. Each person was tense and glancing around, a new fear arisen in each soul.

"If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31" Paul started chanting. Within a few seconds, the chant was picked up by the rest of the group and sang out in a lovely chorus.

That known truth bringing a feeling of peace over them as they reached the door and pushed it open. Daneliya was the first out and the ground beneath their feet was softer than concrete but harder than the floor inside of the building. It made her think of the rubber park floors made from ground up tires that used to be around when she was little.

She looked down the street both ways amazed at the colors and buildings. On earth, most things are a gray, black, or brown. Here, the common color appeared to be purple. Different shades and mixed with other colors. Grays, Blues, and an added green plant life. Her eyes flittered up to the pale-yellow sky and purple clouds.

"It is like we walked into a crayon box," Mitch mused from directly behind Daneliya.

Renea clung to Paul as she said, "What now? Those creatures that took Gavin, could still be out here!"

Daneliya looked towards a forest in the distance, "Maybe we can hide there?"

Mitch narrowed his eyes messing with a knot in his red hair "The forest?" he muttered, "Don't you think they will look there first?"

Daneliya shrugged, "I really don't know. But this city is what they are taking over, so it makes sense to me, to think that the forest may be safer."

Paul nodded and started walking down the sidewalk, his footprints showing on the weird ground before they faded. The group followed each crack. Each snap. Each noise that broke the sound of their feet against the ground, causing them all to jump. What happened to Gavin, very much on the mind of every person in that group.

Finally reaching the tree line, they looked at each other. A sense of peace and panic running through their veins. Daneliya took a deep breath and took a step into the thick cover of the tree's canopy.

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