one after 909 - Liam

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One after 909 - The Beatles

"I have to go Liam" Y/N said tears staining her rosy cheeks

"So that's it then. That's the endin'. You leave and I'm left here with a broken heart? Liam Gallagher can't be left with a broken fuckin heart it just doesn't happen." Liam said with unfamiliar raindrops falling from his eyes

"Well then I guess it's happened then, hasn't it?" You replied

Once you'd realised what you'd said you had instantly regretted it. You should never had got with Liam. You both knew it would end with broken hearts but you couldn't keep away from each other.

Stealing kisses under the bridge when running away from the paps. The lie ins on rainy Sunday mornings. You were attached at the hip but now it had come to end.

You were leaving. You had been given the greatest opportunity of your life working in France doing what you loved photography.

Photography was how you met Liam. You were oasis' photographer and taking pictures of Liam almost everyday made you fall for him. Coincidentally Liam fell for you too on the other side of the camera lense.

It didn't feel right doing photography without Liam being the art. You were surprised you were going through with going to France. You didn't think you could go through with a couple years without Liam and you didn't want to make him wait around for you.

"It's time for me to go Liam. My taxis outside to take me to the train station"

"No Y/N please" he dropped to his knees and hugged your waist

"I can't live without you Y/N. I won't live without you. I'll wait. No more parties. No more groupies. I'm done if it means you'll come back to me" his tears now staining the flowery knee length shirt you had on.

You gently pushed him off you starting to walk away. He didn't bother moving. He was left frozen in tears.

"Goodbye Liam" you said softly

You got in the taxi instantly regretting your decision to go to France but you'd agreed to go and there was no going back now.

She was gone. Liam left in tears until there was knock on the door bringing him out of his trance.

Desperately hoping it was Y/N that had come back he opened the door. Disappointment fell over his face when he opened his front door and Noel was staring back at him.

"Hiya. Came to say ta'ra to Y/N but I'm guessing by your face she's already gone."

"Yep" Liam said collapsing on the sofa

"Just lost the love of my life to fuckin shitty France" Liam said I'm a strop

"If you love her so much then why don't you go after her?" Noel said looking at his watch
"You've still got at least half an hour. Go get some flowers or sommet. Make a big romantic gesture and surely she'll stay and if not then she's an idiot." Noel said

"Since when did you go all fuckin mushy" Liam said laughing at his brother with tears still falling down his face

"Since I walked out of the girl I love's life and I've regretted it ever since but that's a story for another fuckin time so get your fuckin arse out of that door and go" Noels voice gradually getting louder as he spoke
(Next oneshot??👀👀)

After he'd heard what Noel had to said he legged it out of his house stopping at the small tesco down the road on the way to get supermarket flowers.

He ran until he got to the train station. He was looking at the large board with all the train times on seeing that there was no train to London.
'What the fuck'
'I'm at the wrong fuckin train station' were all the thoughts that ran through his head.

Off he went again hopefully getting the right train station.
Thankfully he did.

He ran onto the third platform seeing Y/N sat on the window seat.

Y/N saw him straight away. She saw that he had flowers and there was still evidence left on his face that he'd been crying. She couldn't stand to see him so upset.

The pain eventually got too much and she got her luggage and ran off the train to him.

Launching on him and wrapping her arms around his neck and him burying his face in her neck.

There lips finally met in a fiery kiss. It was hungry yet passionate. Probably one of the best kisses of Y/N and Liam's life. They stayed together for at least a couple minutes their lips moving perfectly in sync fitting together as if they were made for each other. They didn't care if people started because they were happy.

"I'm not going to France. I can't leave you" y/n said in between kisses

"Don't ever leave me. I'd simply die without you darlin" he said in his northern accent (pretty sexy if you ask me😌)

When they got home Noel was still on the sofa. He'd made himself at home with his feet up on the sofa with a bag of monster munch watching telly. He was almost as happy as Liam when he saw that his little brother had got the girl.

Decided it's easier writing on my phone than my laptop hehehe.
I got an idea for a George Harrison fic but idfk if I'll ever write it.
Also follow meeeeee pls?

That was such a chaotic message😭

Noel and Liam oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora