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Liam :

- He could literally take you anywhere and you'd manage to have fun

-He'd usually take you to the pub to relax and just have a couple drinks

- But if he's feeling romantic he'd make you a picnic or get someone to make one but take the credit. 

- He'd steal kisses whenever he could

- He literally doesn't care who's around he would still be all over you

- He doesn't let either of you talk about work 

- If you were having a picnic he'd lay his head on your stomach and just stay silent 

- You'd usually take a radio with you so you could listen to music and Liam's always saying he's got a better voice than the person singing

- He would literally do anything to make you laugh

-He would walk you home after ( if you didn't live together)

- You'd walk home hand in hand then watch the tellie for the rest of the night ( if you did live together)

Noel :

- He'd take you somewhere quiet as he doesn't really like to be bothered

- You would both usually go sit on a bench watch the sun set or sunrise 

- But it would usually be sunset as you weren't really a morning person and he didn't like to wake you

- He would just sit on the bench holding your hand in his while your head was buried in the crook of his neck

- He'd kiss your cheek and whisper 'I love you's'

-He would usually bring a blanket with him because even when you said you didn't need a coat you'd end up getting cold anyway

- You felt like this place was the peaceful place you always needed as neither of you like'd being around people all of the time and you often needed a break.

-He'd talk about everything he was passionate about : Guitar, records and the band in general

-Every time you go to watch the sunset he tells you about all the adventures you and him are going to have

- He'd always tell you that he's going to marry you one day and no one can stop him.

- when he's on tour you still go to the bench and watch the sunset as it makes you feel closer to him.

A.N - 

I liked writing this so i might do more :) 

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