Chapter 13 : Teleporting

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Ron's POV:

After meeting Mr. Williams, we headed towards the RE building. As expected, it began pouring heavily.

"Tae did you notice? After the end of meeting, Mr. Williams whispered something in her ear. Which she didn't really like"

" Who? Ecca ?Hmm, yeah. I did. May be another one of his 'dumber than box of hair' insults" Tae shrugged.

" Don't you think something is off about Rebecca? More of mystery!" it was as if I am talking to myself. With all those thoughts in my mind, I turned towards the window. Only to find it covered with drops of water. I lowered the window to calm myself. Nature itself is the best therapy for humans. The sound of rain, the cool breeze it brings, the freshness of every drop, all of it is a serotonin boost.

Drifting my eyes towards the road I saw few kids rushing home with tiny umbrellas on their heads, few women covering their heads with their hands and running, few other holding their children under roofs of buildings and few trying to protect their luxury bags by tucking them under their coats. I chuckled to myself thinking how different every one of us is. But suddenly my eyes fell on something more precisely someone walking straight on the pavement without bothering the heavy downpour on their body.

I could only see her back, it looked as if she was a walking corpse, free hands dangling towards her sides, straight face, drenched from top to bottom. As the car approached further in her direction, I saw her face, even though my vision was blur because of the rain, I could recognize her.

It's Rebecca.

" Stop!" the car halted on the other side of pavement.

I slowly got out of the car with my umbrella and walked to her and held it above her head. She stopped walking and looked behind. Looking at her pale lips and drained face , I guess she had been walking like this from quite a long time. She looked at me without uttering a word. As usual her blue eyes were filled with nothing, no happiness, no tears, no pain, they were just as cold as ice.

" Get in" I told dryly.

I thought she would just leave without a second glance, but to my surprise she walked to the car without uttering a word and sat inside.

The whole ride was silent she kept her head low, glancing at the window glass from time to time.

Soon, we reached home. She immediately got out and walked inside. Tae and I exchanged a glance but spoke nothing and watched her figure walking towards her room. She was shivering, but stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

" Thank you" she muttered weakly without turning back and walked away.

Ms. Rose came to us as soon as Rebecca walked away.

" What's all this water on the floor, what happened? Why did Rebecca come with you? Where is she ?" she bombarded us with questions.

" Calm down! Grams, we found her watering the pavements in rain and teleported her here" Tae said and tightly smiled.

" Teleported? Watering what? Aishh...this fellow" she hit him on the arm.

"Let me check up on her" she said worried and went to Rebecca's room.

Next morning

Rebecca's pov :

I woke up with mild headache and cold. As usual Ms. Rose walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked concerned.

I just nodded my head indicating that I'm fine. I got my coffee and meds from Nancy. Ms. Rose checked my temperature and it seemed normal.

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